
Are War Video Games Endorsed by the Military?

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Playing all the Medal of Honor and Call of Duty series, it's so realistic and very intense.

I've seen some people talk about how they joined the military because of the "badassness" that they get, but also because of what they have seen in Call of Duty 4. Retards.

Are these games endorsed or sponsored by the government or the US military?




  1. The difference is in the real world when you shot at someone they shot back.  I am sure they use games to train individuals but the real thing gets messy.

  2. YES...some popular video games are put out by the army, check the US Army web site for details. they hope teens will play and get hooked up with recruiters and bingo, the next generation of shooters


  3. Either directly or indirectly.... but the answer is YES.

    In fact, many new "drone" models are controlled by controllers SPECIFICALLY designed to work like Sony Playstation controllers.    I know.. we prototype them here where I work....

    WHY RETRAIN... when Sony has already taught an entire generation how to shoot, aim, and maneuver through a standard interface?

  4. Of the games you mention they are only "realistic" to those that have not been in coombat otherwise you would know the difference. The military doesn't endorse any game, but they do train on the one they have!

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