
Are We Gods?

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We can harness energy from virtually anywhere, we can travel vast distances in a few hours, we can kill millions with a push of a button (nuclear weapons). we can create life with A.I's(humans are just machines except made with different materials). We can predict the weather (to a certain extent). we can make an entire species go extinct. God created us in his image and we are his children, so when we grew up did we become Gods?

Curious on people's thoughts about this.




  1. No. We are  basically humans composed of flesh and blood. Man is the first animal that questioned and sought answers to his questioning. In the beginning his imagination ran far ahead of his knowledge. He conjured up exlpanations for himself that were both wonderful and terrifying, and in spite of his terror he ventured forth.

    This is the nature of man, the animal whose wondering mind drives first his imagination and then himself to see what is really there.

    Man wants knowledge for its own sake, because he is curius; but also he wants it for the power it gives him over his environment. Paradoxically, the drive to know and to manipulate has led the human species into the greatest progress and also its greatest peril.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  2. you have to define want a god is everyone opine is different. we are gods in someway we can create life we can take life,a person know more then you,more powerful,can be define as a for me i don't think so.  it go back to the old say:did god create man or did man create god?

  3. We are only god's in a "lets play/impersonate indians and cowboys" fashion and we are not playing very well!!!

  4. If we are then there is an awful lot of us!

    We are a highly developed species that have become dominant on earth due to one factor - intelligence.

    That doesn't make us Gods does it?

    We are not omnipotent or omnipresent as yet - when we achieve that maybe we will be a step closer.

  5. No look at how destructive man is he destroys just about everything. Jehovah is the only true God. We humans are nothing but dust, just dust.

  6. We are not all-knowing. We are not all-powerful. We have no certainty about any of our knowledge and can manipulate only a small portion of reality.

    If you say we were created in God's image, then that means we were created with the potential to be pure and loving as God. Ethically, this is obviously not the case (we all sin and wars and crime are seen on the news every day). From this view, it would not matter how powerful/knowing we became, we would not be Gods.

  7. That depends on what you specify as God- The one who takes care or the one who knows everything or the creator.

    According to me God is all the three and much much much more. If you were a God, then how come you don't know whats on your friends mind when they smile in that mysterious way??

  8. I think that you must rid yourself of this wind.


  10. No!

  11. As humans our minds are constantly questioning our existence and constantly trying to balance the unbalanced.....until we settle that we are nowhere near on a higher level

    god doesn't fight with good vs evil

  12. Yes please.

    T & C. Applicable.

  13. Possibly.  People in here are just too touchy to conceive such a interesting question.  Just look at the first answer.  I can believe that a higher being created me, but I see no true need to worship said being.  With that being said, I can follow your line of logic.  The main reason that people say God is perfect is because that don't want to consider that whatever created them had flaws of their own.  We will totally ignore all the flaws the we have inherited as humans.  Most don't even like being considered animals.  If you look at God in most writing, he (or she or it) has a LOT of human characteristics.  Jealousy, wrath and anger to say the least.  That because humans can't really explain a being that s supposed to have higher level than ourselves.  So we give him the best characteristic we can muster.  Perfection and omnipotence.  But if you re-evaluate what being a God is, you can easily classify humans as Gods.  But the more you re-evaluate what god means, the further you pull the current example down from his podium.

  14. There is an infinite, qualitative difference between a divine and human nature...

  15. Every religion preaches that every thing is god and if you are able to realise it you can see god in yourselves

  16. Well Raj,

    We can do none of these ourselves.

    Having said that: the human Ego is so expanded, now that we have discovered...delusion...that many of us fully expect to be seen as...gods...of some sort.

    The Mormons have a fantasy that the males will become gods in heaven if enough converts are collected.

    The Baptists have always assumed they speak directly for god and that she/he hates the same people they do.

    The jews are still waiting for their demigod to arrive and secure their situation and get them real estate.

    The christians claim their demigod arrived about 2000 years ago allowing them to denigrate all other religious fantasies in favor of their ever-changing...own!

    The hindus had much better early science and made a pretty good guess as to the age of things in contrast to the simplistic and juvenile approach of jedaism, christianity and islam, the last two being made possible by the first.

    So, since mankind invented god or gods before civilization occurred and probably before language occurred, why not.

    It's our invention and I see no reason we can't use it as we see fit, surely the various religious fantasies do so.

  17. No, we are merely ordinary human.

    We failed to manage ourselves.

    If you walk in a street or waiting in bus stop, you would realize how many things we failed to control, especially ourselves.
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