
Are We Going 2 Die in 2012?

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i will graduate highschool in 2012! i dont wanna die!

i am getting really scared about global warming. especially with the rumors about the rising sea levels and


is a collasal meteor really gonna strike earth and kill us all.

no offense but i dont believe in god all that much. long story.

any way to make me feel better???




  1. whatever happens. we cant do much about it. i will graduate from college that year so i really hope it doesnt end there or else i will have wasted four years of my life!

  2. Don't be too paranoid. The main answers about when the world will end is: unknown. We can't predict when such events will truly happen. So just relax and enjoy your life.

    Global warming is a real problem, but countries are doing there best to help reduce and reverse its effects. Those who say it isn't real are ignorant of what our polluting activities have done to the environment and are not looking at the signs that result from it.

    There a was a rumor on January 1, 2001 that there was going to be a 1,000 km asteroid that would strike the earth the following day. Yet nothing happened. NASA is also monitoring the skies for signs of meteor strikes so don't worry.

    Btw, the most probable end of the world scenario will be about 5 billion years (we would be all dead by then, I don't think we will have a 5 billion year lifespan. right?) when the sun's temperature rises and it becomes a red giant star and swallows the earth.

  3. i plan to live long after 2012... i dont believe any of the rumors about meteors (we have already proven that we have the technology to protect ourselves by blowing them up)

    the only way the earth would be destroyed by 2012 is if we dont do something for our environment... but the entire earth will not become one big ocean... the worst that would happen is that florida would sink into the ocean (i cant really say that would be the worst thing)

    just kidding (im from FL)

    if anything happens from global warming it will be that our AC units will become more efficient...

  4. I'll will let you know in 2013.  By the way most rumors are nothing but rumors.

  5. Some of us are. Some of us die every year. You probably won't be among them, though, being so young. Unless you do dangerous things like drinking and driving, or riding in a car driven by someone who's drunk.

  6. I think the best way to make you feel better is to go on this site (in the sources) and to choose some pages to try to understand what is going to happen, because, all of that happened because of the mayan calendar which ended in 2012, and who was totally exact (I mean, in the solar cycles and all that)... Does that really means something, a lot of persons thinks that yes, but not as the end of the world (well, some think that), but as a spiritual revolution. So, go and get what you want! I really think the best way to make you feel better, is to go and read a bit about it. But, I don't think we're going to die in 2012. (At least I'm graduating in 2010...) Ha ha, just joking, don't panic with that, nobody can really know what's going to happen, the only thing to do is to wait until 21 December 2012...  

    While waiting, just enjoy your life, I'm sure nothing bad will happen to our friend the Earth in this time!

    Good luck with your graduation in 4 years!

  7. I hope this makes you feel better: there is absolutely, positively no scientific evidence to suggest any major catastrophe in 2012.  Of course, you will have the next summer Olympics in London, and another presidential election will roll around.  Also, it'll be a leap year.  But none of those are world-ending events.

    Don't worry.  Keep doing what you're doing, and the world will do the same.  I hope that helps.  Good luck!

  8. A rumour means it isn't proven.  And the meteor "rumour" is just that - unproven, no scientific evidence that anything of any size will impact Earth in 2012.

    If you do some research, you will discover that all these 2012 "end of the world" prophecies are all trash.

    Being scared of something that won't occur is a waste of energy.

    However, global warming is a real danger and will cause problems in the next few decades.

    Everyone can do a little to reduce global warming - lots of sites with ideas on what individuals can do.

    Instead of being afraid, do something about it - organize your friends to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, to reduce waste, recycle, etc.  Lots you can do to improve the world.

  9. Some people die every year - so some will inevitably die in 2012.

    However, issues related to Global warming will not wipe out mankind on such a short timescale.

    And the Meteor rumour is just a hoax.

    There is an asteroid called Apophis which has a very small chance of hitting us in 2036 - but nothing due in 2012.

    All the myths about doomsday in 2012 are just nonsense, propogated by YouTube and the History Channel. There is no truth to them.

    Calm down, relax, and enjoy your life

  10. Did you see the recent TV program about this on the History channel?  Apparently several ancient  cultures concluded 2012 was the end.  I can't make you feel better.

  11. Hey, no need to apologize for not believing in God! This isn't the R&S section... we use science and logic to answer questions, not an imaginary friend. You've come to the right place.

    Don't bother about 2012... I will be graduating high school that year as well.

    Global warming isn't going to kill us in 2012... no matter what Al Gore says. There is actually a lot of new scientific debate over if global warming is going to be a problem in our life time... or if it is going to be a larger problem in future generations.

    Don't worry about meteor/asteroid impact. The closest asteroid will be Apophis, but that will be in 2009, and will be a huge miss. And if there was an asteroid headed for Earth, we would be able to find out, and break it apart before it crashed. The remnants will burn up on entrance. And if it is too small for us to detect, then there is obviously no need to worry about it.

    2012 is just another y2k and 6-6-06 prediction. Its not going to happen. Actually, there has been a doomsday date set every single year sense 1997... and we are all still here! Sometimes there is even more than one. No need to worry about it at all.

    Don't fall for these cynical hoaxes. They come and go. Come 2012 the people that made the website and wrote the books they will gather at their little tin foil hat convention they will be working on a 2013 doomsday date.

  12. no...I don't see why we would. Natural desastor will always devisate parts of the world...example Katrina...but do I believe there is one set date...well in the futre a long long long long time from now. Because the solor system is expanding human kind, and animal kind will have to adapt to our changing climate, and our dirty ways of polution does not help the global warming cause. One day our sun will explode, and earth will be engulfed, and all traces of you and me will be gone forever. And we are all going to die one day, sad enough. So just enjoy life right that in the bible or something? Idk...all I know is that I have my whole life ahead of me, I have lots of things to do, babies to have...and they have lives to live. Sooo....don't worry about it okay? Graduate high school and make the most of your life, because never ever know when its going to end.  

  13. There is no global warming. It's a fabrication based on improper science and improper information t the public.

    Put global warming out of your head and live your life. Reading the bible would be a good thing for you anyway, but go live your life and do something GOOD for our society please.

    lol...mention "bible" and everyone pisses and moans.

  14. No no no totally a lie the american goverment says that but they want to hide something called The (New World Order) in 2012 they will be no meteor. New world order  means the american goverment will have power of everything (b******s) that will only be in 2012 go so some reseach about that.

  15. Not everyone, just the people who believe in that stuff will die. The rest of us will carry on about our merry way as if nothing ever happened.

    NEWS FLASH: You're going to die.  If not today, then tomorrow for sure. If not tomorrow, then certainly in 2012.

  16. Ask your parents to sue the History Channel for child abuse.

    No, this is as much nonsense now as it has been all the previous times these nuts have predicted the end of the world.  There is no object on a collision course with earth.  We are tracking the ones which will come close and we have ability to predict their paths with extreme accuracy.  One will have a near miss in 2029 and 2036, but even that one is not something that would wipe out life on the planet.

  17. None of these rumours are true. The meteor rumour has stated that the meteor comes around every few thousand years. If this were true the Earth would've been destroyed by it a very long time ago, it's just people playing on other peoples fears for kicks and thrills.

    Also, global warming is having an effect but it'll also be a very long time before there is any hugely drastic effect, possibly not for another generation, so there's no need to worry about that.

    Your graduation will go fine and I wish you the best of luck with it :D

  18. Umm...why 2012? The only significant thing that may happen is that the Mayan calender ends. This had caused a lot of "end of the world cults" to form out there and for a lot of misinformation and paranoia to spread. Don't worry about global warming. We are starting to feel the effects now but it wont do anything serious for awhile, probably not even in our lifetimes. As far as an asteroid goes (meteors are when an asteroid already hits the earth) no one can predict something like that. We have been living day to day for thousands of years with an asteroid threat and so far one hasn't hit us...

  19. Scientists don't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen in the year 2012, or specifically on the date December 21, other than the solstice, which happens every year.

    None of the "predicted" happenings for 2012 hold up under close scrutiny. "Planet X" and "Nibiru" simply don't exist. The Mayan calendar ends a cycle, but there were no predictions of the end of the world. The Sun doesn't line up with the galactic centre; it's 6 degrees off. No asteroids or comets are actually predicted to hit Earth.

    All of this stuff was put together by crackpots in order to promote their books and TV shows, and shamelessly promoted by the History Channel. Don't take any of it seriously!

  20. Rumor means gossip that is not true.

    Get it? NOT true?

    No global warming devastation. No asteroid strikes. Meteor is a flash of light.

    The first thing that concerns me is where you are getting your hoax information from. If it is the internet or from friends, then the solution is simple: Stop surfing for trash and you will not find it. Get new friends.

    Secondly, I am concerned that as a 9th grader you choose to come to y/a instead of talking to your parents. If you have communication problems with your parents, that should be your biggest worry right now.

    Lastly, some persons worry about things that have no basis in reality. It is called anxiety. If you find this to be a common feeling in yourself, talk with your family doctor about it. There is very good medication to calm these improper feelings and there should never be any shame associated with needing some help to get your brain chemistry properly adjusted.

    The entire 2012 hoax has no basis in scientific fact. How much do you know about the Mayan culture? Exactly. That's the same with over 99% of the population. That's one reason this hoax is so easily dispelled upon the masses who are uneducated on the topic. The second reason is the internet. End-of-the-world hoaxes have been forecast by false prophets for the last several thousand years. The third reason the 2012 hoax is so successful is because when a fiction writer sees a golden opportunity to come up with a 2012 hoax (name any one of them - let's use your asteroid example) what percentage of the human population do you think is going to take the time to research the truth behind it? Right again...less than 1%.

    As a 9th grader the 2012 hoax is probably the first hoax that you can remember. For the rest of us - I'm 49 - when you've been through 10 or 20 end-of-the-world hoaxes, you begin to see them for what they are: Quick cash moneymakers by the persons with the lowest self-respect and integrity on the planet. They make a buck any way they can. That's the problem with capitalism. That's the problem with our decadent society.

    No matter what the cause is, if it's a brain anamoly or whatever, there will always be these type of persons who live on Earth with us. You can't flip out over every end-of-the-world hoax or you will go insane. Just learn to let it come and let it go. When 2013 comes and you feel more relaxed, you will also be more conditioned to let the next end-of-the-world hoax come and pass as well. You might as well get used to it now at your age because the hoaxes will never stop as you get older and wiser. Just teach your children well.

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