
Are We Now Seeing The Resurgence Of The Cold War?

by Guest55864  |  earlier

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Russia appears to be ignoring International requests to withdraw from Georgia and is now threatening to use Nuclear weapons against Poland.




  1. I'm fearful for WW3....


    I wanted to have grown kids at least before this happened.

  2. If so, you can point the finger on American aggression, and aggressive foreign policies worldwide; Russia has every right to intervene in Georgia. And counter US proposals to station missiles in Poland. Why do i feel Europe will be hosting World War 3 (not again)...

  3. The Russian Leaders (not the people they suffer as well) always were evil and murderous. People are always on about the Germans and Hitler, but Stalin was much worse, but he was on the Allies side, so thats OK then! Whats a few million dead between friends!

    Unfortunately with Bush in the White House U.S. is not looking much better, Americans are widely regarded as War Mongers and Torturers and after Vietnam,Iraq etc can hardly go around lecturing the Russians!

    I've come to the conclusion that big is bad, small is  good! Smaller places are generally more civilised. Cant remember last time Liechtenstein invaded a country :-)

  4. Could be.

  5. the bear was only sleeping - the threat has always been there... along with the chinese ...

  6. This war is anything but cold. Russia is spoiling for a fight; though they really would have to be insane to attack Poland. Poland is in NATO, the EU and is a much stronger ally of the west than Georgia is. Attacking Poland would mean a world war - using nuclear weapons would simply mean the end of the world.

  7. The Supreme Irony is this is that it is OK for George Bush to trample other countries but if some other world leader does it, it is not.  You are not seeing a resurgence of the cold war, you are seeing a final example of the Unending Arrogance of George Bush.

  8. Russia didn't actually threaten to use nukes on Poland. They just said that Poland would be a strategic target if there were to be some sort of conflict between Russia and The States

  9. Yes.

    The Cold War never really ended, it just got colder.

    I did not see that Russia threatened to use nukes. If they did, it was an empty threat. Russia fully understands the consequences of using nukes.

  10. You mean you havent seen it since 2004 with the Orange Revolution and Russia's first nuclear training exercise?  

  11. the cold war was a battle of ideologies, capitalists vs communism. this is a battle of countries crushing weaker countries government.  

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