
Are We So Wrapped Up In "Global Warming" That We're Missing The Signs Of The Pending Ice Age?

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“The surprising result of these long-range predictions is a rapid decline in solar activity, starting with cycle #24. If this trend continues, we may see the Sun heading towards a “Maunder”type of solar activity minimum -an extensive period of reduced levels of solar activity.”

K.H.Schattenand W.K.Tobiska, 34th Solar Physics Division Meeting, June 2003, American Astronomical Society

It can get worse than a repeat of the Dalton Minimum. Ken Schatten is the solar physicist with the best track record in predicting solar cycles. His work suggests a return to the advancing glaciers and delayed spring snow melt of the Little Ice Age, for an indeterminate period.

The big consequence of this is that it will shrink the growing season. The 2.2 degree decline I am predicting will take two weeks off the growing season at both ends. Next decade will not be a good time to be a Canadian wheat farmer. For farmers further south, farm production will decline but that production will be worth a considerable amount more.

Combining the rural US data set we saw earlier and the projected temperature response to the length of Solar Cycle 23, this graph shows the expected decline to 2030.

The temperature decline will be as steep as that of the 1970s cooling scare, but will go on for longer.

Solar Cycle 24: Implications for the United States

David Archibald

International Conference on Climate Change March, 2008

Do you think Mr. Archer has a point and that we are so focused with "Global Warming" that we are missing the signs of a pending ice age?




  1. We shouldn't worry about the pending ice age when we're doomed to extinction via global warming.

  2. Here is Professor Don Easterbrooks site and he is the most comprehensive climate research scientist around.

  3. DR. Jello, I see Bob is still hard at it, just wonder if he still will be on here in a few years when all the Global Warming myth backfires and then we go back to the Global Cooling myth, like it was in the seventies and early eighties. Also when is Al Gore going to come out of hiding.

  4. "'Solar activity' means sunspots, and they have little effect on temperature."

    Solar activity means more than just sunspots and irradiance isn't the only solar variable that effects temperatures. Of course, your realclimate link barely even scratches the surface of how the sun may effect temperatures.

  5. Yes-- as I have repeatedly said we need to wait for more long term SAT data--- and the science of climatology is very very young-- absolute conclusions never fit very well with a new scientific discipline.

    Right now I am leaning toward a Solar cause for long term heating and cooling; but the jury is still out.

  6. Nope.

    "Solar activity" means sunspots, and they have little effect on temperature.

    By the way Easterbrook is a retired geology professor, not a climatologist.  He's published no papers on modern climatology, and his personal opinions have little backing in the scientific community.

  7. Who cares...Nothing we can do about it .

  8. how is there gonna be an ICE age, when we have global WARMING?

  9. Darn.  I've got my heart set on global warming.  I like global warming.  I can go swimming year round if we have global warming.  I voted for global warming.  

  10. "Global Warming" is nothing more than a Liberal fund-raising mantra... completely supported by evidence "discovered" by those being funded by the mantra so you KNOW that evidence is sound.

  11. It's pretty interesting how so many so called scientists ignore the fact that the mid troposphere does not show the required warming for the AGW theory to be true. If this cooling event actually occurs and causes the hardships as predicted by numerous scientists, should some of the key global warming alarmists be sued for incompetence.  

  12. Worrying about the coming Ice Age is like worrying about the eruption of the Super volcano at Yellowstone Park.  Although, both are probably destined to happen and both would be catastrophic, the time scales are so large that they aren't really very likely in the next thousand years.  

  13. Check the receding glaciers in Glacier National Park,,,,,,,,,global warming is obvious in the colder regions of the earth, not so much in the lowlands.

    When the New Ice Age begins you'll see an increase in glaciation, not a reduction.

  14. Global warming does NOT mean the world is getting hotter. I means the world is not cooling.  Doesn't global warming cause An Ice Age and isn't that the concern?

  15. That would mean that the people who predicted global cooling back in the 1970s were right.  Wouldn't it.

  16. Idk, but I have noticed the record high temperatures were all mainly back in the late twenties and thirties, so how is it that we now have global warming?

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