
Are Westerners in Japan really shunned as much as people make out?

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I'm told that on a superficial level, Japanese like Westerners and the culture they associate them with, and it can be considered cool to casually associate with Westerners, however, I'm told largely due to their group mentality, they would NEVER accept a Westerner, or any foreign race as one of them regardless of how long they'd lived in Japan, how well they'd assimilated to the culture or how well they spoke the language - you'll always be foreign. It seems Japanese have views on race that in Western nations would be considered deeply racist. Also, I'm told racism in Japan is very common, and such an accepted part of their culture that from their point of view they don't view it as racism. Also, is it true that it's considered weird for a Japanese person to have a relationship with a non-Japanese, and Japanese families would discourage it.

However, I don't see what's so wrong with that if that's the case, maybe this liberal, let everyone into your country and take what you've built up philosophy is a flawed Western concept, which just leads to racial tension and violene, maybe the Japanese have got it right - what's wrong with wanting to preserve your culture and national identity, instead of letting foreigners dictate to you and refuse to assimilate to your culture.




  1. If you weren't born in Japan of Japanese parents, you would always be looked at as a gaijin. Makes sense to me.

  2. Japan has its own intellectual history and philosophies like that of Kokugaku. Also the idea of yamatogokoro. The philosophical teaching of Motoori Norinaga and Hirata Atsutane; both of whom were intellectuals who lived in the eighteenth and into the nineteenth century were very important. They helped shape and provided a theory to support the modern Japanese cultural views of foreigners. From a western philosophical perspective they may be viewed as developing ideas that are racist. For myself I do not judge, I just try to understand why Japanese culture is different to western culture.  Western philosophy starts from the ideas of personal freedom and love. Japanese philosophy has different conceptual starting points like social harmony and the purity of the Japanese spirit. Therefore, western and Japanese philosophy has different answers when it comes to questions of race.

  3. That's a misunderstanding. Many Japanese really like foreigners and seek them out. It's true that you'll always be a foreigner if you didn't grow up in Japan, but that doesn't have the same kind of meaning as racism in the U.S. would. It's not like they look down on you, or treat you badly. It's just a factual distinction--you were not raised in Japan, therefore you are not Japanese. Many people welcome foreigners into their families. Some don't. You'll find that everywhere in the world.

  4. no trust me they are not i went there for 2 weeks and was fine they don't shun upon you because your race you will be fine i was all over japan and never had it happen to me. just have fun

  5. The being shunned part isn't true. But always being a foreigner is true. I'm engaged to a Japanese man and even though I will take his name and live in Japan and have half Japanese children, I will always be gaijin. That's just how it is. It's true, I'm not Japanese so why should they think that I ever will be?

    About Japanese and non-Japanese relationships: It's common! And for the record, my boyfriend's family has no problem that he's marrying a westerner.

    I think people just blow things out of proportion.  

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