
Are White people discriminated against?

by Guest59800  |  earlier

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Do White people suffer positive discrimination against in jobs, housing, public and private services, education, etc? So that other racial groups can get a fair chance in life.




  1. Yes white people are discriminated against in those areas, and I don't see how you can consider any type of discrimination positive.

    Also, there's nothing that can be done about it because if the white people say anything about it then we're considered Racists.

  2. That's all affirmative action is: judging people based on the color of their skin.

  3. No more then every other race.

    Everyone at some point is discriminated against, it's called life.

  4. They are without a doubt, in particular White Males (In Australia)

  5. Yup, you can call it whatever you want. It exists. The second part of your question "so that other racial groups can get a fair chance in life." is complete B.S.

    A fair chance is what Dr. King wanted:

    "Not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character."

    The notion that any discrimination is necessary to be "fair" is fatally flawed, because it leads to retaliatory discrimination.

    Group A discriminates against Group B

    So Group B discriminates against Group A

    Group A then discriminates against group B again..

    It's an endless cycle and the only way to stop it is to stop all discrimination against all people regardless of color etc.

  6. "Affirmative Action" programs are set up expressly to help people of colour, not whites. This could be taken as a form of discrimination.  

  7. Yes, its called positive England its quite bad...

  8. yes

  9. Yes. Wouldn't mind if every thing was equal at least. Political correctness has gone crazy!!!!

  10. Yes and I think it's stupid.

  11. yesssssss.

  12. no I don't think so  

  13. Indubitably  

  14. Yes.

  15. For every group of people--whether it's racial, religious, sexual preference, political stance, etc.--there's going to be someone that has something against them.  It's human nature to fear what you don't understand.  Because of that, you sometimes get people that turn those primal emotions into hate.  That's just how it is.  So for every group, there's someone that distrusts or hates them.

  16. Not in majority-White countries such as the USA, UK, Australia, etc.

    However, I've seen them get discriminated against in Asian countries.

    I think it's the same everywhere really...

    A White guy could be favoured over an Asian guy in the USA/Australia.

    A Black guy could be favoured in Somalia over a White guy.

    An Asian guy could be favoured over a Black guy in China.

    Hope this helps.

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