
Are Women Cheating On Men?

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So I'm halfway through watching Gok Wan's 'How To Look Good Naked' and he is encouraging women to wear all-in-one body suits that suck in all the loose flab and fat even dropping them a size when covered with normal clothes, but is this not cheating? If after a supposed hot date you have the horn and you're getting it on how would you really feel peeling back all this 'support underware' just to realise you have been lied to?




  1. They have been doing that for years.......

    Since Wonderbras, you take them off and wonder where the **** have gone

  2. You blokes would still go for it, after wasting all that time, you'd think "oh well what the h**l"

  3. I would make her keep it on and burrow me an entrance hole.

    That is if she hasn´t been farting in it all night.

  4. i doubt woman actually use this, plus men lie about everything else ...

  5. I guess you guys will be about as let down as we women are when we find out whats down there !

  6. too answer your original question 6 out of ten relationships cheat fact world health studies.

  7. its not gonna make a major difference looking 1 dress size smaller its not like shes gonna look a size 10 then wen she takes the outfit off shes gonna be a size 24 that would be cheating lol

  8. Are men cheating on women you mean.There she is hinging halfway oot of her wan piece and she realises all you were interested in was her body.Hypocrisy much?!!!LOL

    Dare I say shallow even?

    Bullshite and you know it.

  9. Surely you would report them under the Trades Desciption Act!

  10. Lol I'm not watching it but it doesn't sound to comfy, or s**y. Us girls have been using underwear for deceptive purposes for years but I don't think I'd go to that extreme.

  11. i would rather be lied to than actually wear one , even a fancy corset is agony

    i dont rate gok , how can a size 8 girl really need one of those sweaty contraptions , yet gok recomends it  

  12. How would I feel? About as happy as they would after I release the old beer-gut I've been holding in all night.

  13. women have always done this to trap us,how many times have you woke up and seen them in their natural,at least with men you get what you see

  14. Again I must ask, is that a bear crying in your tomato soup???

  15. LOL!  That's so funny.  Some men with grey hair dye it a different colour or wear fake hair pieces to cover up their bald patch.  People just want to make themselves look more attractive, It's not cheating :-).

  16. my husband likes to feel some flesh, me too, but 'drop a size' you say? might be good for a night out. then again I might be better off in a burka

  17. dropping a dress size is the difference of a few inches and you guys have been lying to us about how big 6 inches is for an eternity ! thats MALE LIES !

  18. Lol....@ some of the answers, very good.....

    I don't think Men with a horn would really give a shite once they relieved themselves.....  

  19. pardon the expression but when you're onto a winner the last thing you wear is an all in one body suit......

  20. Wow, If the guy has spent that much time getting to that point.  I don't see them standing up, grabbing their cloths and running.

    What about the guy, who wears a suit, takes it off and his abs are not hard, just there,slightly pudgy along with paint covering up his bald spo on his head.  I don't think the act ends at the moment while you hold the pillow up in contempt yelling Cheater...... You're not getting any of this!!!!!

  21. I cant imagine why anyone would want to wear a suit like that I would hate it, what you see is what you get like it or lump it (excuse the pun)

  22. Ah I'm watching that too. Personally I think she should be shaving her armpits before buying any s**y underwear!! Vile vile vile.

    No, it's not cheating though. Men should like women for them, not what they look like ;)

  23. Are you serious!!!

    If it wasn't for blokes wanting trim, taut and terrific figures on woman and stopped telling them they are fat,(even when they're not)  maybe some woman wouldn't have to resort to wearing body suits... but I am sure if they choose to wear them, they do it for themselves, not to *cheat* or *lie* to men.

    Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this moring??  :)

  24. We know that they do, and they are better at hiding it. Moreover, if you had a child to one of them, and it came out with an enormous bent nose: she would say, 'forgot to mention the nose job'.

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