
Are YOU affraid of spiders ?

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ya know we swallow them is our sleep all the time ......yuk




  1. No.  There is no reasonable reason why anyone should fear a spider.

  2. not at all but my son hates them!!

  3. yes, how they walk & the ones with the long legs scares me the most!

  4. Very much so!!!

  5. I admit to having an irrational fear but also I have been bitten by a brown recluse.  It leaves an extremely bad bite.  It essentially eats away your flesh and itches more than I could describe.  It got infected with staff blister that were the size of golf balls.  I tend to think there might be some reason for that "irrational" fear. In addition, if I walk in my back yard at night, I can find a few black widows.  They are the most common spider that is easily found back there.

  6. No. I'm not afraid of them. Live and let live.

  7. not really, i just hate the way they walk.

  8. You don't swallow spiders. They are not that stupid. You may need to examine your logic a bit more rationally.

  9. Yes.  And this is a fundamentally different thing from disliking them.

    I do not dislike spiders.  I've seen webs that can only be described as natural works of art.  I've seen funnel-web spiders (the North American kind, not Australian) behave in a way that can only be described as "playful."  And I've seen jumping spiders that are downright cute.

    Just don't let them get on me.

    It's a totally irrational thing on my part.  I can identify only two specific things about spiders that bother me - they don't blink, and they digest their prey before they actually eat it - but these are equally true of venomous snakes, and venomous snakes don't scare me in the least. Sure, they move quickly and have long legs, but the same is true of crickets, grasshoppers, and most beetles - and they don't really scare me, either.

    For some people, fear of something is a brainstem-level function with no basis in understanding.  I'm a professional biologist, and I know the role spiders play in the natural world. I have come to appreciate the things spiders do.  

    Just don't let them get on me.

  10. Nope. Love them. You swallow lots of things in your sleep and even more things find their way in/on you in other ways. Spiders are a minor annoyance at worst.

  11. Spiders do look creepy but once you understand their role in our environment you will ignore it's creepiness.

    Many people find spiders repulsive and scary, yet the majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial. Only four kinds of spiders are known to cause health problems in the U.S.

    Spiders are far more beneficial than they are dangerous. The benefits we realize from spiders preying on insects, mites, and other spiders far outweigh the low potential health hazard to humans.

    Check these sites -

  12. Hmmmm....U do! I DONT!!!! :D

    No, I'm not I like killing them

  13. no but I have an automatic "kill it" reflex

  14. No, I am not afraid of them. The name for that is arachnophobia. I am more of an arachnophiliac. I find them fascinating. And I think that swallowing them a great deal is a rather faulty conclusion. Try breathing on a spider and it will most likely run. If you are asleep and your mouth is open, you are breathing through it, which will chase most any spider away. If your mouth is closed, one cannot get in your mouth to be swallowed. I once as an adult had a pair of latrodectus mactans (Black Widows) as pets, and one of uncertain species when I was maybe nine that was bright yellow and shiny black striped and so large it had to curl its legs in to stand on the palm of my hand. My mom within the last couple of years finally admitted drowning that one. I destroyed the Black Widows as a precaution against them biting one of the kids of some friends I had. If I find a non-poisonous one in the house, I typically will pick it up in my hand and take it outside and let it go. Poisonous ones get no mercy. They eat mosquito's, houseflies and other undesirables. By the way Black Widow's venom is fifteen times as powerful as a cobra's, but they inject so little that unless you are allergic in the way that some people are allergic to bee stings, at most you will just get so sick you wish you could die. The Daddy Long Legs spider may produce the most deadly venom of any animal, but their mouths are too small to bite humans.

  15. Heck yeah I'm afraid of spiders! And eww i didn't need to know that we swallow them!!

  16. Nope, and never have been.  I've made my living off insects, spiders, and other animals, all my life.

    It makes no sense for a human being to be afraid of spiders.  You are much bigger, stronger, and more intelligent than they are, no matter how big one of them might be.

    99.99% of all spiders are harmless.

    They are fascinating, wonderful animals, that help keep our planet healthy and strong.  If it weren't for spiders we would not exist.  We would be overrun by insects, other spiders, mice, lizards, frogs, and even small snakes, all of which they help to keep under control.

    Next time you see a spider in its web, take the time to look at it through a magnifying glass, and you'll see just how fascinating and interesting they are.  If you learn about spiders, you will lose your fear.  It is only your lack of knowledge that makes you fearful.

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