
Are YOU always right???

by Guest61450  |  earlier

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Are you the type of person who believes that you're always right no matter what?




  1. No I think I'm almost always wrong and have very little self-confidence so people walk all over me.

  2. Rarely, I still learn so many new things everyday. Thats the beauty of life.

  3. only if I see the whole picture with no details left out. otherwise we are all only guessing.

  4. WTF?

  5. Yes

  6. no but both my parents are and now I dont speak to them.

  7. Not always but I like to think so :)


  8. NO! I love to be open to new ideas only if they are superior. We learn everyday and no man has monopoly of knowledge.

  9. I'm not a person like that. I do realize that sometimes what I've done was wrong or bad to others or to me.

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