
Are YOU excited for school?!?

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i know i sure am!!!!

go sophmores WOOO!!




  1. Sure, but then, I'm in college now and don't have to deal with all that high school drama and bs anymore.

  2. My school doesn't start for another 4 weeks; it's a little early to get excited, isn't it? Although, I'm in the high school band, so I'm attending band camp rehearsals until school starts (in a school without A/C). Ugh.

    Anyway, to answer your question, yes, I'm excited to get back to a solid schedule. I don't know about you, but I'm not exactly a social person, so I've been sitting at home all summer; it gets REALLY boring!! Next year, I really should get a job!

    By the way, I'm a sophomore too. GO SOPHOMORES!

  3. =D I'm soo excited! Even though there's like, 3-4 weeks left until the new year starts. :D I'm gonna be a sophomore too. =D Go sophomores! =D

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