
Are YOU voting for California High Speed Rail ?

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do you think people will vote for it?

Is it a good idea?




  1. I hope not isn't California already behind 23 billion dollars for the budget this year? How can California pay for something not too many people will use? Seems silly to me. How about spending the money on more roads to relieve some of the traffic or clear out the Forrest and create fire lines so they can not spread over 50 square miles and they can be contained in mile squares instead. Oh I have another idea how bout spending for some new nuke plants so you can have power for your ac and homes and not have rolling brownouts and black outs? Oh another one comes to mind how about building some dams to create large water reserves to the Colorado river is not so taxed and you can have some water because southern Cali is a freakin desert last time i went through there. That seems more reasonable but what do I know I do not live there do I?

  2. Oh! Yes, I will vote for high speed rail. Because long distances will be covered in less time. All people want to travel long distances in minimum time.

  3. that is so weird because my boyfriend and i were JUST talking about this like 15 min. ago. YES! i would most definitely vote for it. i think it is a wonderful idea.

  4. Just something else for earthquakes to destroy and get more people killed.

  5. Ca is bankrupt and their solution is to spend MORE money? What genius came up with this idea? The same one who wants to spend more on criminal invaders education?

  6. If I lived in Cali, I sure would!

  7. I plan on voting against it.

    1) We need to balance the state budget first.

    2) If it is built it will never generate enough revenues to cover its operating expenses - much less pay back the bonds used to build it.

    3) There are numerous other things that are more important.  (Why are we going to waste money on high-speed trains when we do not have a reliable power grid?)

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