
Are YOU worry about the internet?

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Have you ever feel confused between the internet and the real world? Future guesses? What's beyond internet, what's next...




  1. Exactly. I wasn't sure if I was the only one. It's like I'm a different person online verses during the day when I'm out and about in society at school and whatnot....I don't know, I think the future involves more artificial and less realistic...It would be interesting to know what's next and if there really is more beyond the internet...

  2. lmao

  3. worry about spelling BBmank......there no words spelt wrong....its just poo-poo grammar wot like she aint bin to skule, wotever yeh dude?

  4. Are YOU worry about you spelling??

  5. No...

  6. no. For me, i can still differentiate between the real and Internet..

    why must us be afraid with Internet..

    if yes, so we are being deceit by the maker or something of Internet, by making us afraid i mean..

    Internet is just a media to ACCESS the entire of the world easily..

  7. It has just been reported by AT&T that the internet will be too stuffed in 2 years and everything will crash.

    They are asking for more money to upgrade in other words or else.

    So, your bill to use it is a gonna skyrocket.

    You will then be forced to live in the real world cause you can no longer afford a fantasy life.

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