
Are You A Loner?

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Are you a loner? If so, do your neighbors treat you like if you are crazy or antisocial?

Why are loners classified as anti people when in fact being a loner does NOT EQUAL being antisocial?




  1. I AM NOT A LONER =]

  2. I would call myself a loner, you should live in the country, I can be what I want to be on my own land and nobody cares.

  3. I consider myself to be a loner.

    The reason that neighbors and the like think that people like myself are strange, because there is a perception that it is always the quiet ones that have something to hide, or are perverts, or worse.

    Society is based on social approval and confirmation, if someone is not seeking the approval of society.   People think that loner doesn't need their approval, which makes them feel rejected...ironically.  

    "So this person thinks they don't need the rest of us.  They must think they are better than us."

    There are the two extremes right there.  

    Either you are too good for everyone else, or you are strange.

    From Me To Society:  Everyone else is rude, inconsiderate, loud, and ill-manored.  I have a very large space bubble, and I am very selective about who I let into it.  Give me my space, and I will respect yours.  But just because I go out in public, doesn't mean I have to conform to your notions of social normalcy.  Leave me to my quiet corner, or my music, or my book and go about your business.

  4. if your a loner your seen as an antisocial because the people with lots of friends cant and have never imagined like without their friends so they see you and think that its your choice to always be alone. prove them wrong and although its not meant to sound it; get some friends!

  5. I'm a loner but I'm not antisocial and my neighbors do think I'm crazy.

  6. No

  7. I'm a loner by situation, not by choice.

    So, what I mean is that I'm alone most of the time, but not because I told people to leave me alone.
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