
Are You As Overwhelmed By Obama's VP Pick As I Am?

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Talk about change. Another old white dude Washington insider.

Sheesh...Bill Richardson stabbed the Clintons in the back for the VP slot and came away with nothing...Obama has lost another million votes with this one. Change you can believe in. Sure.




  1. overwhelmed with laughter,yes...

  2. Nothing a strong cup of coffee didn't fix.  (Yawn)  So you noticed his shafting of Bill Richardson too?  I thought Richardson's resume heavy, yet slightly doofus personality was perfect for Obama.  (Not that I support Obama or McCain.)  He would have known his place in the campaign.  But then Obama has shown a willingness to dispose of those he has no further use for.  (Wright, Trinity church, Hillary, his mom and grandmom.)  Wow.  Another typical politician.

  3. Hey I am not voting for McCain because of Obama's wife. The rest is just a so much trash unless Hillary elects to make a floor fight of it.

  4. No.  I LOVE JOE BIDEN.  I'm glad to see the Haters trying to keep that stiff upper lip... good job!

  5.   Another tax & spender. When will the dems pick someone worth voting for? Hasn't been any one since JFK.

  6. No.  The idea of change has just died.

  7. It don't matter, he will be gone in November too.  Him and his little dog Odumber.  

  8. Biden has speeches were he says, "Obama is not ready to be President"....this is a joke.  Obama is finsished....even his running mate thinks he's inexperienced.

  9. what possible good could the "change" of a tax and spend liberal offer the voting public.  im not overwhelmed.  im incredibly bored.  if your going to judge a presidential candidate by age, there are more serious problems here than who to elect i fear.  anytime obama or a liberal loses votes, thats change i want and want to believe in.

    again, im not overwhelmed.  i just had a good bellylaugh, thats all.

  10. The Obamas fit the phrase"what a bunch of idiots" more and more each day

  11. doesn't mean I am going to vote for him you got another thing coming.

  12. And since the chances you'd vote for Obama have never been greater than zero, I should give a flying c**p what you think about his VP pick, why exactly?

  13. Oh my God...

    People are freaking out because he picked Biden.

    What is the big deal?

    Having Joe Biden as VP isn't exactly the worst thing in the world.

    It's actually a pretty good team, in my opinion.

    You have Obama's new outlook, with Biden's experience.

    He, honestly, couldn't have picked anyone better.

    Now let's hope that he's smart and puts Caroline Kennedy in the UN, and Hillary as Secretary of State.

  14. This is the most underwhelming VP nomination since Jimma Cahtuh picked Walter (yawn) Mondale.

  15. if all you have to go on is this childish back-and-forth c**p then this election is over before it has even begun. I know how much you like to cling to polls but I think it's very obvious which direction this election is going. Even Bush isn't that stupid...

  16. You aren't a very political person are you? If by losing a million votes you mean probably securing Penn. in November (that is a "battle ground" state) and selecting someone that will appeal more to the middle class working people that Obama is struggling with, then yes, he lost another million votes. Please do us a favor next time. Know what you are talking about before you ask a question that is simply meant to smear.  

  17. No.  Biden will be good.  He is strong, good-humored, and has the foreign policy experience which will help Obama become President.

    Who did you have in mind for VP who's NOT some kind of insider?  Richardson?  I don't think so.  Richardson comes off as fake to me.

    Biden at least speaks his mind.  As long as he doesn't put his foot in his mouth, he will complement Obama well.

    Obama '08!

  18. I don't see this one giving his campaign any big boost. Didn't Biden utterly stink in the primaries? (He's not exaxtly Mr Charm either). He was also one of Obama's biggest critics over the lack of his experience. Those could bite them down the stretch.  

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