
Are You Better at Math or Writing?

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Ok I have noticed that people who are good at math, and not that great at writing, and people that are good at writing are not that great at math.

So what are you good at math, or good at writing?

I am better at writing than math.




  1. I'm like you Reading,Writing,Arithmetic........Blessi... Yahoo

  2. Math (A)

    Writing (B)

    i like writing but I got a B because I went overboard on a story (14 pages) you can read some of it on this blog

  3. I'm better at writing. My book will soon be published. I have a B in math on my report card. I like writing more anyways.

  4. definitely writing!

  5. Writing.

  6. You actually picked my two passions.

    I have been published so I guess I'm a decent writer and it seems the higher into math I go (ie. Calculus, Trigonometry ect.) the easier it get for me. Maybe I'm just an exception to the rule.

  7. Math.

  8. im really strong in both categories. Persoanlly though, I like writing.

  9. well.. I prefer writing to math, because I like it better, I do better..

    I've always gotten A's in my English classes, and I don't think I've ever had one in math..

    I'm good at math, but I don't try, so I always end up getting so-so grades..

    Eh.. Writing.

  10. i is gooder at math

  11. writing..

    math is too difficult for me

  12. Writing!

    I hate math!

  13. im extremely talented at both, however my math is slightly better.

    Math Average: 100

    English Average: 99

  14. For me its Math!

    I just love "IRideABike"'s answer :D

    he/she can surely write too ! :))

  15. Writing I suck at math

  16. I'm pretty good at math but I'm a slow thinker, hence writer so I'm a lot better at math than writing.

  17. MATH

  18. my math is amazing .1 plus 1 is 4.313452

    and i can compose a 1 line composition in 16 mins

  19. ohhhmygod oh my soooo much better at writing and reading than math its scary i recently took a practice SAT test and my writing score was 700 and a 350 on the math

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