
Are You Celebrating Earth Day With Your Jacket On Today?

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In Oklahoma today, where I work, we have a live band outside in front of one of the buildings, food has been catered in and they are giving away free trees, but I noticed that a lot of people are wearing jackets or sweaters. Is it cool where you are today? Thanks for your input, got to go throw my tree in the back of my 4X4.




  1. No it's actually warm here.  And I live in New Jersey

    It's 71 degrees here and I'm outside right now taking up the sun and doing yard work.

  2. What Bob fails to understand is, it's not Winter anymore, it's Spring, so it's been a below average Winter and Spring.  Here in Wisconsin, we've had a day or two here and there where it's been warm (yesterday it was 75) but today it's about 40, and it's been the way it's been all month.

    I love how they say "but one day or week of below average weather doesn't mean it isn't global warming"  How about two seasons now?

    I love how it snowed in Canada and they had to cancel a Global Warming event this last weekend!  Ahahaha!

  3. Absolutely!!!  It is cold in sunny Southern California right now and it ain't caused by no global warming.... LOL

    Yo Bob......  Sorry to inform you of this but... it isn't Winter any longer...  Sorry

  4. Well, it was chilly this morning and I wished I had grabbed my jacket, but my weather man promised it'd be in the 70's today. But I haven't been outside since I left for work, so I don't know if he lied to me yet.

    But yes it has been a below average winter up here and so far spring has also been slow in arriving.

  5. NO!!!!!!

    it is, like, 75 in MA!

  6. no it's like 75 or 76 degrees here!

  7. wow,  in Michigan its 70.

    but that shows about global warming... yeah Earth Day!

    thanks for helping the environment!

  8. Yep, all this 'global warming' is freezing us to death.

  9. I love how Bob says "one below average winter" and then points out 5 other below average winters. LOL

    SIX "below average winters doesnt mean a thing..." Umm ya.  Doesn't sound very strong does it?  Unless you say we are entering an Ice Age.

    And in case you haven't read the other replies, it's Spring.

  10. It's actually over 70 degrees in southern Indiana and very comfortable and sunny. One isolate weather incident is not what makes the global warming theory valued but a confluence of weather events that show a trend in upward temperature. This is already happening and has been prove so.

    What some contend is whether or not mankind is contributing to it. For sure we are contributing to it because just by breathing we emit CO2 but the question is just how much with all our cars, planes, factories, electrical appliances, TVs, computers, CD players, etc, etc, etc.

    Speaking of isolated incidences March 2008 was the warmest recorded month since record keeping began. Try thinking about that little stat and see if you can make a global warming assocaition.

  11. Bob - If the temperature drops 1 degree below the average, it doesn't mean a thing, but, if the temperature rises 1 degree above the average, then it means global warming?

  12. Just one below average winter, which doesn't mean a thing.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

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