
Are You Dems Aware That McCain's First Wife Was 5 Months Preggers When They Got Married?

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Little Sidney was a shotgun baby. How come you haven't started attack her personally?




  1. And? Whats your point?

  2. Sarah is being "attacked" by the media because she wants to implement abstinence into law for the US but she can't even implement abstinence in her own home.  

  3. because we don't give a cr@p about them!

  4. and????? libs are desperate..! so sad bunch

  5. So whats your point.

  6. Could that B that she is not running for a public office.

  7. Why would that matter?  No one gets married before they get pregnant anymore.

  8. McCain is really old.  When he was in his prime the pill did not exist.  Lots of people got married back then because the woman got pregnant.  It is no big deal.

  9. She dated Hitler before McCain.

    Any more juicy stuff you got there?

    Vote for the Hero not the ....

  10. Well, thy shouldn't care.

    Their oh so special Bill Clinton ot a ******** during his presidency. So if they wanna give McCain c**p for marrying his pregnant girlfriend, then it would be hypocritical.  

  11. No wonder why he called Palin a soul mate. I bet she also had a shot gun wedding. is that the way Republican live? Get married after getting pregnant since they don't believe in birth control.

  12. Who cares.............

  13. WHO gives A $hit that was like a 100years ago!!!!!!!!!

  14. He also dumped his first wife for the current one with all of her money, and her good looks.

    So much for integrity...............

  15. So, you are attacking Democrats for not doing something you think they should be doing? I'm really confused by that.  

  16. No I didn't.

    Plus John was still married to his 1st wife when he applied for a marriage licence to Cindy as well.

  17. No, a VP who is UNDER ETHICS INVESTIGATION and only has a

    BACHELOR IN JOURNALISM from University of IDAHO is more fodder....

  18. Didn't know, don't care.  It has nothing to do with the election.

    Obama O8

  19. Sidney wasn't their first child, so I suspect you are lying....however, for the millionth time, this is NOT about Bristol Palin, but ABOUT Sarah Palin's radical stance on women's issues.

  20. Was McCain physically available to get married during that time because if he wasn't then you have no point at all.

  21. Thank you for demonstrating the Republican ideal for us here. Always thinking in terms of "attack" or "why not attack?"

    Perhaps simply because we're focused on our own campaign and don't have time for John McCain. We're too busy trying to keep him from ruining our country further, just the way George Bush did.

    Oh, and by the way Maudie, isn't the question asked just GREAT?! a real statement...

  22. You are incorrect, unless she was pregnant 14 months.

    On July 3, 1965, Shepp married McCain in Philadelphia.The following year, John McCain adopted her two children. The McCains then had a daughter named Sidney in September 1966.

    Doug McCain: Born in 1959, Doug was adopted by John after he married Doug's mom, Carol Shepp. Doug is a commercial airline pilot.

    Andrew (Andy) McCain: Born in 1962, Andy was adopted by John after he married Doug's mom, Carol Shepp. Andy is a business executive.

    Sidney Ann McCain: Born in 1966, her mom is Carol Shepp. Sidney works in the music industry.

    Meghan McCain: Born in 1984, her mom is Cindy MCain. Meghan is a journalist.

    John Sidney (Jack) McCain IV: Born in 1986, attending the U.S. Naval Academy. His mom is Cindy McCain.

    James (Jimmy) McCain: Born in 1988, Jimmy joined the Marine Corps in 2006. His mom is Cindy McCain.

    Bridget McCain: Born in 1991, Bridget was adopted in 1993 from Bangladesh.

  23. Ok! so what's wrong with that, most American don't practice much of the values they are scream about anyway! they always try the goods out 1st before they marry and if they start practising s*x as early as 12 or younger who do you blame! the whole family morale is screwed up.

  24. FWIW...Sarah Palin was pregnant when she married her husband too (no lie, check her wikipedia page below).  

    Guess that whole abstinence only thing that she wants to force on our daughters didn't apply to her, or her daughter.

  25. McCain, who finished in the bottom 5% of his class at West Point had a reputation as a "ladies Man" and he admits it, so no I am not surprised, nor do I care!

    I don't care about Palin's child either except as it crosses paths with Palin's core beliefs of abstinence taught in school with no s*x education or pregnancy prevention! Palin's views fly in the face of child development. Her view that it should be taught at home doesn't seem to have worked well either.

    Palin's core beliefs are the issue. Not her daughter. Her daughters situation is just the culmination of those beliefs and is fair game! One can talk about those issues as if she is elected they have the potential to impact a lot of people in this country!

  26. also aware that he cheated on his last wife with his current wife? and that he applied for a marriage license with his current wife BEFORE he was even divorced from his previous wife (did I mention he admittedly committed adultery?)

    No wonder the Republican base doesn't like him... he's piratically Bill Clinton....

  27. Who really cares? Is this germane to any discussion of politics? Is the policy of personal attacks and personal destruction making our country better? The answer is no.

    You need to stop this madness and put your country first.  

  28. Aren't the answers you've received so far just GREAT?!  A real statement.

  29. Who cares...honestly.  McCain is going to lose this election all on his own.  His policies are not good for America, his judgment is severely flawed as especially shown by the fact he chose Palin as his running mate (I guess he couldn't choose anyone who has publicly said derogatory things about much for the ability to lead and "cross partisan lines" when he can't even tame his own party and how they feel about him) and his dillusion that we'll win the war on terror when "they surender" (who is the "they" that can surrender?  He obvioulsy has no clue about the kind of war we're fighting) just shows how incompetant the man would be occupying the strongest seat of power in the world.  Americans were fooled by Bush but are wise enough to look around and see the mess he put us in...we just can't afford 4 more years of a Republican in the White House...especially one that appears to be as incompentant as the person occupying it now.

  30. Did you know elite Obama's mother and father were not married when Elite Obama was conceived? Elite Obama's mother was only 17 at the time and his father was much older - she was a minor.

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