
Are You For It Or Aganist It?

by Guest57523  |  earlier

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what are your opinions on scientist experimenting with monkeys to search for a cure for alzeheimer's disease? would you approve of it or deny it? explain your thoughts...




  1. for it

  2. I'm for it.  I put humans at the top of the food chain and the top of the evolutionary ladder, so if we can help people at the expense of animals then so be it.

  3. I am for it. The animal, however, must be treaty correctly, that is, they have to avoid suffering.

    Some animals, are able to give love, thus the caretaker must show them love back. We must remember that they are living things, we must be grateful and respectful for their sacrifice.

  4. For it.  You need to weigh the costs and benefits.  For something as substantial as a cure for alzheimers, research on non-human primates is justified in my opinion. It should be carefully regulated and used when there are no other means to answer significant questions related to biology and/or medicine.

  5. i dont agree with it. many of these experiments prove useless in regards to finding cures. in fact, there is no such thing as a "cure" for any diseases in coventional modern medicine, because if there were, drug companies would lose money. just look at how long cancer has been around, and despite all the experimentation and tests, there is still no publicly announced cure for cancer. anyway, in regards to monkeys, I dont agree with any form of extreme pain and suffering to anyone who has done nothing to deserve it,regardless of the cause. they say that it is necessary to kill animals in order for humans to survive these disease, but all humans die eventually anyway, disease or not. so why take away the precious life of a monkey who could be enjoying their time here on earth, to help find drugs for a human who has a relatively dull life to begin with.

  6. 100% AGAINST.  WHY?  It's absolutely cruel to hurt these innocent monkeys.  Additionally, many health treatments and cures have come from NON-ANIMAL research and testing.  

    I say this having known people with Alzheimer's and neurological conditions.  It would be wonderful to have a cure for Alzheimer's Disease but the use of primates/monkeys and any animal is cruel, a waste of time and money.

  7. I'd say against it. Go with some lesser animals like rats or mice. Not intelligent species, which is where I draw the line.

    Science should be ruled by morality. If you believe it is moral to experiment on animals, merely because they are lower on the food chain, then by that logic, more intelligent, stronger and wealthier humans should be able to experiment on you.

  8. I dont support animal testing.

    Science is prolonging lives...our natural resources are running out....this is the cost of "playing God".  Leave it alone...let nature takes its course.  I agree with the earlier poster who pointed out that for all of these years, we have no cure for cancer. And the presumption that the drug companies are in control is totally CORRECT.  People ARE used for experiments for MOST DRUGS on the market. They can not be put into use until they are used on control groups and diseased people.  Testing?  Use people.

  9. I would approve it in a heartbeat. If you ever have a loved one who has this terrible disease you would to. Monkeys are animals and do not compare to humans.

  10. I think that science is wonderful, but, in some cases, it goes a little too far in its efforts to lessen the strains of life.  In the case of Alzheimer's disease, in my mind, the jury is still debating.

  11. i am against,if they wouldnt do such cruel things to humans,  they shouldnt do it to animals either. besides monkeys are the closest to humans. they even look like us

  12. i'm torn I want the benifits of it but i don't want a living thing to be  put through what they are put throught!   some if it hatefull and painfull seen a special of a monkey who had to under some painfull test and they had to see what would happen it did nothing but gergitate and show blood in eyes ect.. it was sad very sad....

    But if you can give me a chance not to get sick  and undergo pain myself i'm sort of for it...

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