
Are You Gonna Have a Bat/Bar Mitzvah If you are Jewish?

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Are You Gonna Have a Bat/Bar Mitzvah If you are Jewish?




  1. i already had mine last year and it was like the best ever. my service was really good due to the fact i am gooda t reading and chanting hebrew and th eparty was incredible! lots of gifts too!

  2. well i will most will if not they'll just read from the Torah on shabbos i already had mine last December (my Hebrew b-day was  in December but my real b-day is in January ) in my school during lunch (we have a half hour lunch but by if someone has a bat mitzvah we have an extra half hour so they usually get pizza but occasionally they have something else) (and i go to and all girls school ) and makes a speech  so i had one but not everyone will have a huge party some people just have their family or something  

  3. I did, but I'm assuming that's not the question.

    As others have pointed out, you don't "have" a Bar/Bat(Bas) Mitzvah, you become one. What this means (besides for the literal translation of "Son/Daughter of the commandments") is that (s)he now has the privileges and responsibilities of an adult according to Jewish law now that they've come of age (12 for a girl, 13 for a boy).

    I noticed that some people mentioned the privileges, i.e. for men- being counted towards a forum and being able to lead the services, but no one mentioned the responsibilities. One goes with the other, it's a two-way street.

    An adult Jew has many responsibilities, starting with him/herself. A male has to start praying daily and keep his commandments, and a female has to keep her commandments and learn the things which will apply to her (those that know, know).

    Because of the tremendous responsibility being put on people at this age, and to celebrate what they've become, i.e. a full-fledged member of the Jewish people, most people celebrate in some way, some more than others. In keeping with Jewish tradition, men, who are more external by nature will have a large party and read the Torah while women, who are more internal by nature, will have a more private celebration with friends and family.

    Oh, and just a little FYI, the reason why the girl comes of age younger is because Judaism recognizes that women mature faster.

  4. technically, you "become" bar or bat mitzvah simply by virtue of having your 13th birthday. You don't have to DO anything, you simple are now a son or daughter of the commandment (which is what bar/bat mitzvah means). The "ceremony" is to welcome the bar/bat mitzvah into the adult community and to have him/her read and teach torah for the first time. The service is usually followed by a celebrative meal or party.

    My oldest grandson will become bar mitzvah in January and he WILL be reading Torah- it's a very exciting time!

  5. Every Jewish girls has a bas mitzvah at the age of 12. every jewish boy has a bar mitzvah at the age of 13. it's your choice whether you want to have a really big party. usually the boys have bigger parties than the girls.

    i had a very small bas mitzvah party.

  6. I already had one. :)

  7. A Bar Mitzva takes place at 13 for a boy and a Bas Mitzva at 12 (twelve) for a girl, irregardless of whether a party takes place. It is a stage of maturity, when a child begins to become responsible for their actions. Full responsibility does not begin until 20. To find out more, go to

  8. yes

  9. From the age of 13, Jewish children have the rights and responsibilities of  adults with regard to Jewish rituals and observances. For example, they can receive an honor at the Torah and they can count toward making the quorum necessary for some rituals. Many Jews mark this transition by inviting family and friends to observe and share in their first honor at the Torah- that's the Bar/Bat Mitzvah. But that doesn't always happen; not every Jew has a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

  10. What do you mean. Are you asking if they will have a celebration. Then maybe. But really no one can literally have a Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah. That mean son/daughter of the commandments. There is so much to how people associate a party with religious responsiblity. I had a Bar Mitzvah but i was careful to have everything to have some part of G-d back on the guestlist then just partying. So rephrase the question from Are You Gonna Have a Bat/Bar mitzvah if you are Jewish to Are you celebrating becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah if you are Jewish.

    Thank You

    EDIT: dhr and nanny411 is the most correct here. There is also no such thing as being "Bar Mitzvahed". lol. You automatically become Bar/Bat Mitzvah from just turning 13. No need to do anything.

  11. As you have read before, every Jewish teenager becomes a Bat or Bar Mitzvah when they turn 12 and 13 respectively. Whether you have a service in honor of your coming of age or a party is totally up to you. I had one, in fact my whole family went to Jerusalem for me to have my Bat MItzvah service in Israel with just my family and close friends. Afterwards we had some great celebrations and one back here in Ohio for my school friends. It was a very special time for me and I am very greatful that I had the great opportunity to become a Bat Mitzvah in such a special way.

  12. i guess it transforms that boy or girl into thinking they are maturing into somebody that will be an important assett in society when they are grown up. I was bar Mitzvahed in 1973. Didnt feel any different. Dont even remember that day only the fact that I was nervous..  But tradition is tradition and I believe in it  

  13. not jewish but thats what jewish ppl do so im guessing that those jewish ppl will aswer yes.

  14. It's a coming of age thing. You don't even need a party, it's just the service where you read the torah portion of the month. I had, one and most of my friends had theirs, too.

  15. lol. well im not jewish im catholic but ive been to a few, and the saul, which is the bit in the synagogue, is intresting.

    and the parties are amazing! x

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