
Are You Happy We have the Chance to Stop 4 more years of Recession?

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This Election is extremely important to right the ship. During Dem Administrations The economy tends to do better and the national debt is reduced. Are you excited that we have the chance to change things for the better for the MAJORITY of people in the USA?




  1. h**l  YEAH!!!

  2. We are not in, nor have we been in, a recession since Bush took office.

  3. Actually, you should worry more about why Ben Bernanke is an idiot.  The Federal Reserve has a much bigger impact on the economy than the president.  

  4. Sorry my investments have grown and I have had a raise every 6 months my house and car is paid for and I pay my credit cards off every month now you want me to vote for a socialist who has promised  tax me even more. Now for the kicker my wife and I only make $80,000.00 a year. If this bugs you go on line and ask Dave Ramsey how you can become successful instead of whining about a recession

  5. The U.S. economy is actually growing.  Clinton's economy was based on cooked books and fraud.  It just looked better on paper.  That's why there was an economic crash during his last two years.  Carter had stagflation which is generally viewed as the worse economic condition.  

  6. No. because under the dem and i assume you refer to Clinton the world and our situation was a complete different story.

    You did not have Terrorism

    You had a strong world economy

    You had strong partnership between the nations

    You did not have idiots elected as head of states that decided to hate the US because they are socialist and we are capitalist

    The dollar was strong

    China was not the power it is today in terms of economy, business and oil guzzler

    So yes everything was fine and dandy ... but everything around was also fine and dandy.

    You can only reap what is available.

  7. Yes I am. cant wait for a president who really cares about the average Americans instead of corporate America.

    go Obama!!

  8. Recession ?!  If you ask McCain about a recession he'll say that the United States is only in a “mental recession” and that we have become a “nation of whiners.”   idiot.

  9. Can we finally get these Republican Neo-Cons out of the White House!!! They steal our money to line their pockets. War is just another money making machine for these criminals!!

  10. No not so much, but I will still vote for McCain. He is a shoe in. It really does not matter who the MAJORITY of the US wants. It is who DIEBOLD CORP. wants. And DIEBOLD has decided McCain

  11. Yes! America is about to belong to the American people once again, and I'm so excited!

  12. We do?

    Then why are we being barmbarded with McCain and they are hiding Bush from the convention.

    I think they are being effective in what they do. Andthat is "switch and bait"

    This is how Bush got elected.

  13. Hey... give me  your paypal ID.   I want to wire you enough money to buy a history book.

    The economy does better when REPUBLICANS are in charge.

    This was the case with Ronald Reagan....

    This was the case with Bush/Quayle (who HANDED Clinton the dot-com economy)....

    This was the case when Newt Gingrich and the CONTRACT WITH AMERICA gave us a BALANCED BUDGET, a SURPLUS, AND long-overdue WELFARE REFORM.. (all of which BJ Klinton tried taking credit for even though he VETO'D them 3x)

    And now under Bush, we have LOWER unemployment than Klinton's BEST term.

    If you are going to speak....   TRY to speak honestly and mind your facts.   We're not ALL stupid liberal lemmings who are going to accept anything you say without investigating it.

  14. Go to College and take a Macro / Micro Economics course and than you might understand what the word "recession" means.  I'll instruct you now: Two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP is commonly taken to be a recession.

    Given that there was a +.9% growth in GDP in the first quarter of '08 and a +3.3% growth in GDP second quarter, than there obviously ISN'T a recession.  Thanks for playing, next time don't talk out of your butt.

    It will be funny if Obama should win.  Than Democrats will be saying "Obama saved us from the Recession" when it fact we were never in one to begin with.  It is called BIAS and seeing what you want to see.  Be truthful with yourself and your candidates.  Don't LIE to yourself to make yourself feel better / superior, its called intelluctual dishonesty.  Don't be a t**d.

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