
Are You Having Children or NOt?

by Guest57587  |  earlier

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I give you all credit who have children, as they are so much work. I take care of my nephew who is 5, 3 days a week and it's like you have to constantly entertain him or go out, and you get exhausted! And they are full of energy.

As a result I will never have children. This actually taught me children are a big investment in such all ways.

Have any of you taken care of your nieces and nephew and decided NOT to have children?




  1. Yes.  I decided not to have children when I had a high maintenance niece for 3 days.

  2. I babysat as a young teen, and that's what made me decide not to have children.  I haven't regretted my choice for a second.

  3. I decided not to have kids after we had to watch the birthing video in Health class, but I was joking.

    I have a lot of young cousins, and some of them are a handful, but then I look into their eyes, or they'll give me a hug and tell me that they love me and I realize that there's no way I could go through life without my own kids.

    Kids can be exhausting, but they can also be sweet and adorable, and so they are definitely something I want in my life.

    That being said, I have the utmost respect for those who decide that they won't be having children for whatever reason. No one benefits when someone who doesn't want kids ends up with them, and it takes a stronger person to go against social pressures and skip having children than it does to be pressured into reproducing. There are fewer regrets as well.

    I say good for you for realizing how much of an investment children are, and for realizing that they aren't for you. Few people realize that before it's too late.

  4. Been there, done that!!

  5. Congratulations! The term is childfree. I never want children because I think they're a huge responsibility and will take up too much of people's time, those who are career oriented.

    The childfree do have more more life and travel opportunities. So, having kids won't be one of my life achievements in life.

  6. I have a brother with A.D.H.D and he makes me want to hang myself...

    other than him...just about every single child annoys me and I hate their presence

    the only children I find "ok" are very quiet and intelligent children

    I don't want kids and I am getting a vasectomy as soon as I can!! 22 and child free !

  7. It is probably a lot different when it is your own kids.  I have done some babysitting and agree that it's great birth control.  However, I still want my own.  It's your choice though, I wouldn't let anyone push you into one decision or the other.  People can have a very full life without having kids in my opinion.

  8. i've taken care of a few kids and i really want some of my own.. my best friend works at a day care and she comes home and sometimes says "UGH i'm never having kids!" and sometimes she talks about how much fun she had today.. it IS a huge investment.. but i think in the end it's worth it.. esp when they're 18 and you see that you've raised a respectable adult.

  9. You are what we call child free.  One out of five Americans are.  Just look up Childfree on Wkipedia.

    I have researched the subject a lot.  Almost all child free people where sentenced to taking care of younger siblings long before they were old enough to do so.

    Congratulations on being child free.

    I am 42, child free and happy!

  10. Yes, they are a LOT of work, but when they are your own, you get such gratification from it that you do not get from watching other people's children. Trust me, it is differnet when they are your own. It is wonderful. Give it time, you will come around. I did not have my first until I was 30 and was not ready beofre then. Now I have two, and even with the added work, it is the best thing in the world!

  11. I worked as a preschool teacher and decided I would never have kids. My husband and I swore we would never have kids. In fact, neither of us had the urge until we moved into our first house.  It was the combination of having a house and being married seven years when we bought the house that did it.  By that point we were 29 and 33 and had lived life a lot more.  We only have one child and will not have any more because we know our limitations.

    I commend you for knowing that you don't want to have kids. There is nothing worse than bringing a child into the world that is not wanted.

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