
Are You Honest With Yourself? Do You Think Most People Can Handle Truth?

by  |  earlier

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Ok - I know, I know, it's really 2 questions.

My take on this is that most people these days are either unable or unwilling to honestly face the truth about themselves or anyone or anything else.

Your observations?




  1. I am honest with myself. I have to be honest with myself first before I can be honest with anyone else. Most people cannot handle the truth. Some people are insecure and want to hear what they want to hear and nothing more. Most people cannot face the truth about themselves and it's the reason why they can't or won't change. Once they can acknowledge a character flaw or a problem they have, they can move towards correcting it in order to become a better person.

  2. No i have often been dishonest with myself.......believe me!! lying eventually gets to you. I often lie on the the extent that i don't feel bad anymore, I hardly believe myself anymore.

  3. You make your own reality. Truth is something you create. Some people just do it better than others.

  4. Actually, I've noticed just the the reverse.  It seems to me that people have become too honest, to the point of brutality, rudness, and straight up hatefulness. The use the "truth" as a weapon to be distructive towards others.  No, I'm not saying you should lie, but i do believe that tackfulness should be used.  

  5. thanks to my psyc class now i am. i have no problem admiting things, gud or bad. and sure anyone can do it if they have the desire and not the fear of realizing they're not perfect, or the other way around that they're not as bad as they claim to be.

  6. most people can't handle the truth. thats why they believe in jesus. they think some magical fairy tale is going to save them from their miserable existence but it aint gonna happen.

  7. True... but, truth is better than a lie.... and yes, I know there are exceptions... even God allows for that... under extraordinary circumstances

  8. One can't be honest with anyone but them self,

    simply for the ironic fact, that no matter what

    you admit about your self someone will always

    disagree . . .

    Example . . .

    say something negative about your self and

    does not someone reply with either, oh don't

    put your self down, or your just being a whinnier.

    Or i could say something positive like give a

    compliment, and depending what the compliment

    or to whom it's given, i could easily receive a nasty

    reply . . .

    So to myself i'm honest for my own survival, as for

    others, if they want the truth about something and

    ask me for my advice, i will be brutally honest but

    without being brutal or i'll warn them that i don't pull

    my punches so i suggest they think twice, before

    getting in the ring with me . . .

    But as for myself, who but me? would know me

    better than me, that i would have to lie 2 me . . .

  9. I am painfully honest with myself, I think from having a mother trying hard to make me an empathetic person, but I believe most people are not honest with themselves - too painful.

  10. I agree with you to a point... With myself, sometimes I know I am stretching the truth.. I do notice that other people aren't honest with themselves at times.. sometimes the truth hurts.

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