
Are You Interested In Saving Your Local Starbucks From Closing?

by Guest63889  |  earlier

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Starbucks announced that it will be closing 600 coffee houses/stores throughout the country.

Is your local Starbucks on that closure list?

If so, would you like to see if you're able, along with the help of others in preventing this from happening?

Remember anything is possible if we try!

Visit my new Save Starbukcs campaign page below to voice your opinion and cast your vote.




  1. Don't care too much about Starbucks closing down.  My college aged daughter was spending a fortune there until I turned her on to Boca Java coffees who offers all those great flavored coffees for far less.  Save yourself some money and brew it yourself.

  2. no, i dont want to stop it from closing. you can make cofee at home

  3. here's a list of all the closing stores - http://starbucksclosingstores.blogspot.c...

  4. Uh, no.  Although the one in my city is not closing.  I have been there a total of 2 times and that is only because it is a free standing and has a drive through.  I prefer to make my own coffee.

  5. i perfer Dunkin Donuts...its cheaper and way tastier!

  6. It just makes more room for competitors with better coffee.

  7. why would anyone want to save them. Do you really need that $5.00 cup of coffee to make yourself feel worth while. Instead try sending $5.00 a day to some local charity and make your own coffee.

  8. I am more worried about how I am going to pay for gas at $5 a gallon...not about $3 coffee, which I can't afford to go and get because of the housing market and d**n gas prices anyways!

  9. you mean that overpriced dingy water thrown together by some teenager that i can make 10x better at home?

    i'll pass

  10. Nope, they are overpriced anyhow I will stick with Tim Horton's or Dunkin Donuts..

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