
Are You Kinda Tired Of China & The USA Winning Like All The Medals?

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It's getting annoying now at least to me...




  1. Well who else am I supposed to root for? I mean, they probably should give other countries a chance but hey, they're making America proud. I mean, why not get the medals? It's not like US is taking a World Cup anytime soon, right?

  2. Shaddap Marco... India is such a huge country and has such a huge population... how many medals have they won? 1? or 2? I don't know lol

    Yea, its ******* annoying when USA and China win all these medals in games which noone cares for.  

  3. i know i wanna see some small country win something out of the ordinary n say "WOW, now they deserved that gold or silver or bronze"

  4. cry my a river. it's not the USA's and china's fault that everyone else sucks.

  5. no because it just means that they have athletes who are better at winning in the olympics

    unless they are cheating, why does it matter what country wins?

    first russia wins the most, then the us, now its probably gonna be china

    2 for the communists - the US is not happy

  6. the USA always win in almost everything athlethic except in SOCCER which is what really matters hahahahahaha

  7. i know...such medal hogs lol..jk

    and  then u have teams like canada who havent won a thing.

  8. I don't mind, they have much bigger population than the rest of the world so i think its kinda adequate that they should be leading

    My country has won 22 medals so far with 21 million people which imo is a lot better than some 40 medals by China with over 1 Billion people.

  9. You could say that BUT compare population and size of those countries to those of Italy and South Korea for example and you will see its pretty proportionate.

    Its annoying tho how China and USA get most medals in one or two select categoies.

  10. It's just olympics... and they are winning medals in stuff none cares about except when its on olympics? You know when will USA or China win anything in football, handball, voleyball, waterpolo or tennis? Never hahah

    @Guy under me? Water polo? LMAO do u watch that? Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro & Hungary. There are no other teams on that level. Voleyball? Hahahhaha Serbia, Brazil, Italy, Russia, France, Germany... when i think better 90% are better hahah

  11. Note: I'm going to assume that you live in the US and watch the Olympics on the NBC networks

    While China and the US are in the lead with the most medals, they are definitely in no way "winning like all the medals".

    As of right now, over 330 medals have been issued out with less then 100 of them won by said countries combined. You have to think a little deeper and consider the situation instead of making such a generalization.

    It may seem like these two countries are winning so many because, with NBC being an American network, they're obviously going to primarily air events with American athletes. Also, since this is the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese would get a lot of airtime, too. In addition, since this is their Olympics this time, they've been training like crazy so that they're rivaling the U.S.

    Because most of the airtime is focused on these two countries, the average viewer mindset would reflect that, as well.

    As implied, my main point is that a lot of other countries have won a good deal of medals (just look at the medal list), but the network is just so obssessed with our home country, the USA, and our apparent rivals to give other countries due airtime, so most people just disregard their existence. It's too bad, really.

    P.S. If you're so sick of the US and China, check the Olympic schedules and find the events starring other countries. There still is a good deal of them. I just now finished watching S. Korea vs Ukraine in Archery. Ukraine won the gold. It was really interesting.

  12. ...i don't find it annoying, it's more like boring now, coz it is expected in 80% of the games...but i gotta hand it to Micheal Phelps, now that's something else...

  13. Don't listen to it  just  watch make up your own winner

  14. i know =\

    it kinda sucks =\

    but hey arent u happy?

    u live in the US.. ha ha

  15. Nik: You're a moron.  The United States is medal contenders and the #3 team in the world in men's volleyball.  Also in women's water polo they're medal contender.  Way to talk without knowing anything, idiot.

    Complete toolbag idiot above me: Way to name the traditional powerhouses in the sport with absolutely no frame of reference with what's happening in 2008.  Look it up if your brain can function enough to use the internet correctly. (men): #1 Brazil, #2 Russia, #3 United States, #4 Bulgaria, #5 Serbia.

  16. No, not really lol.

  17. Yeah China's dominating ping pong and gymnastics, US is dominating swimming.  *YAWN*

  18. Well...your always going to have a selected few countries dominating the Olympics....I think that's been true for many years now.....

    It is a two horse race at the moment if one looks at it from that point of view.....I personally enjoy the various competitions for what they are and not really the countries that they represent

    What I am most annoyed is that I have yet been able to see anyone from my home country participate and just my luck, during the open ceremonies, when it was their turn to be introduced, NBC were on commercial break  =(

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