
Are You Libs Happy Now, That Bristol Palin Is Preggers?

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Are you ready to start the personal attacks? First you started rumors that Trig was Bristol's baby, and that Sarah was covering up for her. Trig has Down's Syndrome, so I am sure you guys will make all kinds of political hay out of that. Libs have no sense of decency at all...




  1. Barack Hussein Obama is the father, at least one lib is indeed happy.

  2. Yeah but at least we now know ABSTINENCE education WORKS!  

  3. This just proves that the opposition is afraid of Sarah the Barracuda.  Grasping at straws my friend, grasping.


  4. Democrats don't need to "make all kinds of political hay" out of this situation. It's a mess for the Republicans.

    Will anyone doubt this was a bad time for Sarah Palin to enter the public spotlight? Do any social conservatives think this is a sign that Sarah Palin be lacking in the mothering department?

    And this is on top of the whole"Obama isn't qualified, but Palin is" Hypocrisy.

    I think this whole thing is going to get ugly, regardless of what the Liberals do.

  5. LOL It's hilarious!!!

    Man I knew white girls are s****s!!

  6. Look I am actually a Republican but Sarah needs to step up and teach Bristol to keep her legs closed!  

  7. If Sarah Palin can't even be a good MOTHER, how the h**l can she be trusted with a COUNTRY? America's greatest OXYMORON -- REPUBLICAN FAMILY VALUES.

  8. I will admit that I was one of those that thought Trig Palin was Bristol's.

    However, I never judged them personally because of it.

    I judged her mother's s*x education policies.

    And now that she has admitted that Bristol is pregnant, I still do.

    Abstinence-only s*x-ed in schools is a failed policy.

    Students needs to know what they're up against.

    They don't know what they're up against if all they're being told is to keep it in their pants until they're married.

    h**l, they could get married and still have the same problems.

  9. Yeah... a little :)

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