
Are You Ready To Leave USA, Now That America Is Over Once And For All?

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according to the news Brazil is the new beach of americans

las year, according to Unanymous surveys, 40.000 american citizens left to Brazil. Northeast Brazil received 70% of them




  1. America is still the land of opportunities whether anyone wants to admit it or not.  Other countries have their merits, but when you compare the opportunities here, nothings beats them!

  2. WHAT?! america isnt over just because people leave. our country is just going through a hard time. Every country has these problems

  3. It's a known fact that earning a paycheck in Brazil is different from WINTERING in Brazil during retirement. Because it's in the southern hemisphere, Brazil's summer is USA's winter.  

    Considering, I seriously doubt Brazilian medical technology exceeds American, what older person would realistically leave America for substandard healthcare in Brazil? A retired American with a regular pension can live extremely well in Brazil. A working person in Brazil, however, does not enjoy an equal lifestyle.

    So, count the number of Americans who move, live, work and STAY in Brazil instead of the ones who basically come there as tourists and spend accordingly vs the working class Brazilian lifestyle.

    While you're at it, post the link where your statistics came from to validate your claims.

  4. Considering we have over 300 MILLION residents, 40,000 is just a small fraction of our population...that is, if your statistic is even real.  Brazil doesn't have an economy as strong as ours, their military is much weaker, their technology is a long ways behind ours and we have so many more freedoms then them.  I'm sure Brazil is a nice place...well, as long as you don't upset the government who will kill you.  

    Can you stand in public and exclaim how much your government sucks...without fearing for your life?  We can do that here, all day long.

    Brazil is still a third world country at best.  Why would I want to leave one of the greatest nations ever to go live there?  And if America was so awful...why are there so many people from other countries risking their life to get in here?

  5. I left the US 3 years ago because I moved to Switzerland, and I couldn't have made a best decision, life in the US is totally overrated and the people are ignorant, without any culture and family values, that's why here in the EU nobody likes them.

  6. Wow! another country to build up, good for US.

  7. That's in your dreams only

  8. This country's economy is going down, all their money is going to china.

  9. The last guy who thought we were done, got his butt whipped and hung from a gallows.  Don't jump too high or this eagle will have you for lunch.

    Who can take our place anyway

    sure as h**l isn't the stupid Panda bear folks

  10. So just because people go other places it means that the country is "over". Okay. let's all move to Brazil.

    Keep in mind 40,000 is not much of the 40,000,000 people in the country.

  11. troll

  12. T-MEX 2 SAYS:I left the US 3 years ago because I moved to Switzerland, and I couldn't have made a best decision, life in the US is totally overrated and the people are ignorant, without any culture and family values, that's why here in the EU nobody likes them.


  13. Yes, it would be fun to see where you got your statistics. Would make an interesting read, no doubt.  

    HUmmmm let's see 40,000 go to Brazil and that leaves a mere 304,848,250... now if you can convince another 40 thousand people, another 2 thousand six hundred and twenty-two times, we'll all be gone...LOL!

    Ooopes, wait... there'd still be me and I will never leave America...  and before America would be "Over" you will have to kill me.  Be forewarned I will not go easily... I am pretty tough and am more than ready for the fight.  As a matter of a fact I am soooo ready to fight those who are deluded enough to think they can take over My country.  

    Wouldn't you fight to protect your country, family and heritage??? Why shoud I be different...

    Wait!!!! But of course you are not looking for a fight, you think we're just vacating our nation... moving to Brazil or wherever... so my apologies. I got a little carried away.... I wonder how many other Americans feel like me???

    Happy Dreams :)

  14. Far, far more than 40,000 people moved into America during that period. And of the 40k that went to Brazil many were Brazilians returning to their homeland, many were retired Americans seeking a quiet place to settle, and a few were select nuts who think the grass is greener on the other side. They'll be back.

  15. So, because people go to live in other countries America is suddenly all over? Newsflash, people move, they always have and they always will. Did you notice how many mexicans came to the US over the same period?

  16. "Northeast Brazil received 70% of them."

    That's 'cause Rio and Sao Paolo require armed guards to move around in. Great place, Brazil is. lol

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