
Are You Ready To Leave USA, Now That The American Dream Is Over?

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american economy is dropping more than ever

is it the end?

Ximmam Rayadj




  1. And go where? No thanks.

  2. No.  It will be back.

  3. wait there is still time. Vote for Obama, and everything will be alright.

  4. American dream is alive and needs to have the will and brains to succeed! tell your friends and relatives to stay home .......

  5. Suicide hotline please hold...

  6. There is not one place on earth that is better than the USA, even at it's worst.  I think I'll stay.

  7. Those who leave will not be missed........bye, bye!

  8. See you. Maybe you can go to Europe or Bahrain and get a fat unemployment benefit for the rest of your live.

  9. I think you're being a little too cynical. Life isn't so bad!

  10. NO, I'm ready to take up arms and fight to take our country back from the NeoCon Nightmare it's become. Who's with me?

    VOTE OBAMA In '08!!

  11. I am living it. Guess you missed the boat. Sorry, chap. Maybe you can catch the next one.

  12. No.


    And I'm Doing Great-- and Realizing the AMERICAN DREAM.

    COME ON, DEMOCRATS-----  Get off Welfare and Get A Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your DREAMS will come true--- and you won't be Democrats Anymore.

  13. The American Dream can never be over because the American Dream is an adventure!

  14. Maybe yours is over.

    But mine is just beginning. Have a safe trip.

  15. Where would you go?  Is the Russian Dream or he Chinese Dream or the African dream the ideal now?

    Our economy is still the best in the world, it is just not improving as fast as the economies of those countries which are so far below ours economically that they have no place to go but up, so if they go up one yard when we go up one foot, they still have a long way to go to catch up if we are 100 miles further up that they are.

    If they ever catch up, it will be a couple of centuries from now.

  16. To answer your question first:  NO, I will not leave.  This is my country, I love my country---and this is my home since 26 years.  I've raised my children here, I buried my husband here....and no matter what, I will not leave.  Running away is not a solution---the solution is to find new ways---the industry has to change as the global market has become more global---and we are not competetive in this global market any longer.  We've lost our manufacturing jobs to the Chinese and service jobs went to India, the Philippines, and Africa.  What we have to do is to put our best heads to work to come up with a new industry that will create jobs.  This economical problem is not only confined to America.  Prices are soaring in Europe and Russia as well(I've been there recently), and the poor countries like Haiti and Mexico get hit ard by the rising food prices---but, homeownership is not as widespread in Russia, Mexico, or Europe, so the housing market crisis hit the U.S. hardest because homeownership was made easy in comparison to other countries.  

    The American dream might be over for the moment---but we will survive, just like we survived the great depression(which I think we are headed to another one).  Just sit tighht, save your little money and create you a nest egg to fall back on and pray.....things will be much worse before it gets better....

  17. No. It is just the beginning of rebuilding after almost eight years of imperialistic rule under the inept Bush Administration.

    We simply can not do any worse than he has done.

    The man and his administration will be on the History Channel ten years from now as being the worst, most destructive in American history.

  18. Sounds like your a liberal democrat,I prefer to have real hope! Not Obama Hope,that the American people will rise above this just as they have other Hardships,1939,WWI,WWII socialist ideals from the left,the 60's etc.I choose to be a Reagan Conservative and forge my way ahead the best I can,and not whine because whinings for liberals.Hard work is for the right!If I left well,there is no country in the world like the U.S. and there never will be.

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