
Are You Real or Fake About Your Political Questions?

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I realize Many of the Political Questions About Obama Are Negative.. Is This Because He Is Black or Democrat?




  1. Being an Independent I ask questions to learn and inform. I sincerely hope you are not in the category of those who always try to get the Black issue into the mix. My goal is to get the truth behind the candidates. Who have been their mentors, who are trusted advisers, what have they said (and done) during their time in politics, do their words and philosophy match what they have done, do they address questions asked or skirt the issue, etc. Bottom line, I don't care what they say in speeches. I search for facts that demonstrate they truly believe in what they say.

  2. because he is black, and thats why i dont want him to be president, im mexican and i never want to see a mexican go into office neither, i want it to stay white, All day every day lol

  3. Because he is a socialist.

  4. I am real.I truly despise conservative thinking.I think both parties are useless,it is just that I find republicans(the party)evil as well.I think Obama would be a refreshing change from the criminalism and stupidity that this complete lack of a leadership has produced.

  5. Oh, give the man a chance!

  6. Neither  one----it is his socialistic and dangerous agenda----his desire to remove our nuclear abilities----his wish to down-size our military at a time when it is essential to have a well trained and ready for anything armed-forces in these perilous times. His domestic solutions are  a train-wreck and would ruin our economy and throw us into a full-scale depression or complete economic collapse. And to those of you who say the president can not do that alone----remember he has Reid and Pelosi and other pork-barrel leaches in control of congress to fully assist him in his endeavors.

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