
Are You Sick Of The Kobe versus MJ Questions?

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Most of us probably are but people still ask them anyway. It's ok cause Yahoo is about having fun. I was just wondering how you felt. Thanks!




  1. Totally...I'm SO sick of them.  I wish we had REAL basketball questions on this page.  It really kinda sucks.

  2. Im sick of hearing this question?

    Kobe is Kobe MJ is MJ

    Best of the best all time.  

  3. its amazing how some people actually believe kobe is better, when kobes not even the best throughout his generation yet.  he still has a chance, but right now that belongs to either duncan or shaq.

  4. What good does comparing the two do anyways? It's not like we can go back in time and have them play each other in their prime. If you go by stats MJ is better. If you go by feelings then it's whoever you want to be better.  

  5. Yes, because Kobe>MJ

    Mj-pippen=4 first round exits


    pippen-jordan=game 7 wcf


  6. Yeah, you're correct. Some questions specially this one are being repeated many times here.

    But honestly what do u think? MJ is better or Kobe?!!!

  7. obviously you are not or you would not have posted this

  8. mj is better than kobe

  9. Yes. obveosly MJ is better.

  10. What's hilarious is Kobe fans used to spend all day on YA about how Kobe has surpassed MJ, then Kobe and her Lakers got their a$$es kicked in the Finals and now they're going "We're so sick of Kobe and MJ comparisons, Kobe is Kobe and MJ is MJ."

  11. no because i'm obsessed with Kobe.

    - g*y Laker Fan (Kobe's REAL fans)

  12. Some ppl have no life outside of Kobe or MJ !

    What can ya do......?

  13. Yes I totally agree because Jordan is Jordan and Kobe is no Jordan.

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