
Are You Still Sticking With DVDs, Or Have You Moved Onto Blu-ray and HD DVD?

by Guest10654  |  earlier

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I am still sticking with DVDs. I have a few movies, about 5 on Blu-ray and that's about it. I don't own any HD DVD's though.

How about you? Are you sticking to DVDs or have you moved on to the other 2?




  1. Although I currently own only dvds and vhs, I had been waiting to see which format (Blu-ray or HD DVD) would win, before spending a lot of money. I remember when my dad spent a lot of money years ago on Laserdics, and am, therefore, cautious when it comes to new technology. Since I heard that Walmart and possibly Best Buy will begin to sell Blu-ray exclusively, I am beginning to believe that Blu-ray may emege victorious.  ...Also, since PS3 can play Blu-ray, I would be more likely to buy Blu-ray. Blue is probably the most common favorite color, so that is another vote for Blu-ray. Plus, the name just sounds cool and futuristic. So, of the two, I vote for Blu-ray, although due to the near death of CDs (notice all the CD stores closing around you... and the music industry possibly considering an advertising supported free download industry? CDs are DEAD), before long, movie media  may just be completely virtual. Discs may be a non-issue, as we will download everything directly into our computers/ iphones, etc.. We are doing that somewhat already.

  2. DVDs definitely.  The others are way too expensive (discs and players), and even though I suspect it's going to be Blu-Ray, I'd rather wait to see which one wins out.

  3. I don't have the money for the HD formats. Plus I never buy DVDs. I either watch them on tv or see in theatres.

  4. I have a collection of about 22 Blu-Ray movies and 19 HD DVD's with an LG dual format player to enjoy them all on.....still enjoy dvd's when it's not yet available on HD or Blu yet though.

  5. I have bought a Toshiba HD-DVD player for my 720p LCD TV.  I rent the HD version of the movies if they have the titles available in HD-DVD format.  Otherwise, I rent the regular DVDs.

  6. sticking with the dvd's, i have way to many to try and replace on blu ray.

  7. We have over 400 DVD's, so we are just sticking to that for now. We are getting ready to buy a HD tv, so we'll see what happens there.

  8. I have tried HD DVD and didn't find a significant difference in PQ over upscaled DVD with my 720p projector. I now use the HD DVD player as an upscaling DVD player for my 450 DVDs.

    If I eventually upgrade to a 1080p projector I may find HD disks worthwhile, BUT I somehow doubt it.

    If I'm enjoying the movie the little extra resolution doesn't matter, and if I'm not the presence of a better picture isn't going to help. So, with the exception of a few video spectacular movies that might benefit from the improved picture I see no reason to rush to HD disks.

    The only way I'm interested is if the price comes down to DVD level, otherwise DVD is good enough.

  9. I have moved on. Once you see the difference between the DVD and Blue Ray / HD DVD there is no way I can sit down and watch a regular DVD again. The difference is so big on my setup that its just painful to watch regular DVD. Just like when you switched from tape to DVD.

    I use the LG player which allows you to play both Blue Ray and HD-DVD. However I have to admit that my brothers PS3 plays better blue rays than the LG.

    If you have a blue ray or HD-DVD player and you have a 1080P TV I dont see why you would play regular DVD.

    ***** NEWS *****

    Scratch what I said about the LG players. Dont waste your money on that and just get a Blue-Ray player. Wall Mart just announced that they will no longer sell HD-DVD only Blue Ray. The War will be over soon enough.

  10. Until I can use component for my transport for the highest resolutions I refuse to change over. Plus the whole HD audio fiasco makes me want to wait.

  11. Format Neutral here, no regrets at all, however I will only be purchasing action films...

    SD DVD days are counted...

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