
Are You Stubborn ?

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Do you dig your heels in or go with the flow?




  1. Yes very and in real life too I am the Taurus and I'm  very stubborn but stylish I love shopping and sometimes I hate being told to hurry up. I am someone who doesn't really care about horoscopes though they can be real and fake in my opinion but don't get mad it's not like it's my fault :P

  2. I only get really stubborn when I know something is really worth fighting for. And once I get to that point, I wot leave until that person acknowledges my opinion. But if its over something immature, I just leave it and move on.

  3. Dig my heels in, haha(I'm a man & I dig my heels in, right?! haha). If I dig heels in though its the only way I can go with the flow.

  4. It really depends on what it is I'm being stubborn about...When it comes to my opinions, it is very hard to change them, and I will argue my point until I'm blue in the face.


  5. Am I stubborn? h**l no!

    I have Scorpio sun (fixed) Leo moon (fixed) Scorpio rising (fixed) Cappy Mars

    I am not stubborn and no one can ever convince me otherwise!

  6. I think that a lot of people are stubborn. Especially when they feel cornered or uncomfortable. No matter how hard I try to go with the flow. I simply can't. I feel like I am doing an injustice by doing so. Therefore, I get stubborn and to realize it is half the battle.

  7. Stubborn. Virgo.

  8. I am VERY stubborn.

    If I don't want to do something, I ain't gonna do it!




  9. Usually I go with the flow, but sometimes I get all firey up that I won't listen to what other ppl I would say....I am stubborn

    I'm a libra XD

  10. I Absolutely Refuse to answer that.

    And I am stubbornly NOT stubborn    :)

  11. Depends on who the person is.

    If I love someone alot, I'll let them have their say and I'll stay quiet but if I know someone doesn't deserve me, I'll state my opinions and do what I want to do.

    But either way, I'd never let anyone make my decisions for me.


  12. On the inside I can be stubborn. I won't change my mind on some opinions, but will appreciate the other point of view. So on the outside, I will go with flow by preferring to agree to disagree or compromise rather than just flat out dig my heels in.

    Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini Rising.

  13. YES!I am very stubborn.Scorpio ascendant -Pluto conjuncting,Sun in Cancer,Moon in Aries,Mercury in Leo,Mars in Taurus.

  14. only with my family, im very stubborn. they make me stay home all the time to clean the house.


    it runs in both sides of my family!

    and if i want something bad enuff ill get it so yep,

    and im relly headstrong 2,

  16. No. I am not stubborn. I am, however, seriously right on many occasions and as such,  cannot have my mind changed by the seriously wrong regardless of what they offer as 'proof.'.

  17. I usually don't care enough to even be stubborn.

    But when arguing I always think I'm right


  18. When I feel strongly about something, yes I am quite stubborn.  Still I don't advertise it.  I just use my charm, logical intellect, and a want to compromise to get the results I'd really deem most appropriate.

    I'm a Libra:  a Cardinal sign.  This will make someone more bossy than stubborn.  And I do like to be in control of my endeavors, I just use sly, coy, diplomatic maneuvers to maintain control.

    Fixed Signs are the most stubborn, and I would know!!!  With the exception of Scorpio, I've dated all of them!  Tauruses have to have their way and they are very persistant with it.  It can be a royal pain in the butt.  Leos just need to think the limelight is on them at all times, but Libra charm works on Leo men every time!  I'm currently dating an Aquarius, and he can be extremely stubborn.  He admits it and will make adjustments if he can see the logic behind my issues, but when he puts his foot down on something, there's no budging it!  

    Generally Mutable Signs are the most "go with the flow" of the zodiac.

  19. Im very stubborn ... nearly nothing can change my opinions but sometimes I can do a compromise.. but only if its in my advantage :-)

    Virgo sun

    Scorpio moon

    Aries mars

    Saggitarius Asc

    Leo venus

    Libra mercury

  20. It really depends on the subject. I am really both. I can go with the flow if I think it is right or I can be stubborn if I know I am right....  

    Scorpio Sun

    Leo Moon

    Scorpio Ascendant

  21. Sometimes im stubborn, and sometimes i can just be so cool and relaxed i amaze people. My sun sign is cancer (but very close to the leo sign) and my rising is Libra (a sign which is supposed to be well balanced and peaceful).

  22. I go my way.  Sometimes it's alone, sometimes there are people by me.  Not sure if it's a flow but it's going somewhere.

  23. If I feel I'm in the right  yes;

    Sun -Leo,


    Venus& Mars-Virgo

    Aquarius  -Ascendant.

  24. people who go with the flow all the time are robots to me. come on have some individuality. stubborn all the way

  25. ....

  26. Taurus, rising Leo, double fixed! YES , I am insanely stubborn!

  27. I go with the flow in most cases. but when it comes to my beliefs i will have a hard time agreeing to them over my beliefs.

    this is because their are many fixed signs in my chart. look at the number of fixed signs

    cancer sun

    scorpio moon (fixed)

    venus and mars in leo (2 x fixed)

    aquarius rising (fixed)

  28. Can be,

    Depends. I see it like this, pushovers never get what they want.

    But i tend to be more stubborn when its something that i care about, and something that i believe in.


  29. Pending on what it is. If important, I'll stick with what i believe. Even if that means being stubborn. If it's something that doesn't matter; then go with the flow. FYI I'm an Aries. Don't know if that'll tell u anything.

  30. Until someone pi**es me off I'll go with the flow... With ideas, I'll be stubborn as h, e double hockey sticks =)


  31. Generally, I go with the flow.  I wait until something is worth fighting for then all bets are off, and I fight till I win, one way or another. (Aries)
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