
Are You tired of seeing Hillary on the front page of papers??

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First the New York Times had the Clinton's all over the front pange and now the Washington Post has her mug shot there. Is the world so devoid of things to report on that the major papers have to put the Clinton's all over the front page?? It is really sickening to open the paper and see her. The speical interst groups are really pushing her hard so theere must be a great deal between them.




  1. I'm tired of a lot of people ignoring the the legitimate needs of the American wage-earner.  More BS is written and reported about some bozos toy religion than what's important to all us suckers that pay the bills.  

    PS....If you don't like Sen. Clinton don't vote for her.  Cheap shots are stuff you hear on right wing radio..we've already heard all the character assassination BS....don't be such a ditto-head.

  2. Pardon my "innocence" in these matters, but I should think we as Americans should rather be proud that some in our media are themselves "proud" of our elected officials, and those who may be about to be. After all, our lives_whether we like it or not_are in their hands, and we should be as informed about them as we can. What better way to go about this than by reading about it all in our magazines and newspapers....Even if this means seeing their "mug" all the time.

    Go back in your mind SEVEN years ago and remember seeing the photos (and stories) of President Bush, of Colin Powell, d**k Cheney, and even of those they nowadays call the "architects" of the Iraq WAR, such as Paul Wolfowitz, Karl Rove, etc., and think that for those people that do not like them and/or anything they have done regarding the WAR, or the STAGING for the next war with IRAN, wouldn't it have been better if they were to have read more and more about them? With the same being said for the ones that did go for them at first and for which they are very sorry now????

    You don't like HILLARY, and you've made your mind about her. But what about the next person; doesn't he or she have the right to find out more about her before really forming an opinion?

    We have to give everyone fair time and space!

  3. I am just tired of the Clinton's in general

  4. I'm tired of seeing ANY political candidate on the front page of my paper. I'm sure if you count the OTHER front pages of those two papers, you'll notice ALL the candidates have been on there at one time or another. You're only singling out Hillary Clinton because you apparently don't like her.

    To each his own.

  5. Why anyone would think it's a good idea to continue witht he Bush-Clinton dynasties in this country is beyond me. We've has what-16 years of this now?

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