
Are Your Dyslexic If....?

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You Write and Frequently Write p Instead Of b or d or Vise versa




  1. It could be a sign of a form of dyslexia, but dyslexia has many other parametres (e.g. do you forget to write some words when you write a text? And so on). It would be a good idea to inform your teacher and your parents and ask to be checked by a specialist. Dyslexia, if diagnosed, is not a problem for a student, but it must be diagnosed.

  2. this should answer your answer

  3. no

  4. No, you probably have a little eye vision problem.  Get your mother to take the child to the eye doctor.   They need to see one when young, anyway

  5. Such a shame that only cpinatsi gave a decent and well informed answer. I work with children with special needs and the answer to your question is 'Possibly'.

    There are types of dyslexia and it has many areas of diagnosis. Some signs are: being disorganised or unable to follow a string of  instructions, confusing letter shapes or sounds among many. Visit:

    perhaps print out the pages you feel are relevant and leave it out for your parents to read through when they are ready.

    Try not to get ahead of yourself though. It may not be dyslexia. Only a doctor, educational psychologist or other professional in this area can assess and diagnose such problems and it can take a long time. Try to speak to your parents or a teacher about your problem and ask them to check it out.

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