
Are Zionists Using Yahoo As A propaganda Machine (?)?

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Circumcision is a problem. Yet It Would Not Be Required If The Prophesy Had Become 'Factual'.

You See Felix the Cat Had "his Profile' Removed & Another Germanic Celt...

A French Yahoo Calls ITSELF: Le Chat Mu r a i l l e Le Mes si e...

In Other Words: Someone is Hiding The Messengers & Have Been Doing Since Yahoo's Beginnings....




  1. absolutely many people have seen their account erased and the site is more and more filled with stupid c**p. We will have to be ever more in contact heart by heart for all those of the universal church of good willing people.

    cheers anyway in Gods arms

  2. Tu peux penser à nous qui ne comprenons pas l' anglais parce qu' à l' école, nous en avons, soit très peu fait et que c' est loin, soit pas du tout ! ( je ne dois pas être la seule dans ce cas tout de même ) Alors tu peux traduire , merci de ta gentillesse.

  3. no problem

  4. never mind!

  5. absolutély rien pigé !!! mais je déchiffres, les sionistes utilisent cette machine yahoo pour la propagande, est ce que c'est juste? !!! a l'aide AK17, Ferrybou...salam..

  6. yes , no,  maybe , perhaps , another  conspiracy  theory  ....lots  of  groups   use   Q&A  to  ask  and  answer   to  put  thier  point  of  view  across  and  get  feedback  on  thier  views  as  we  all  do  far  as  a  propaganda  machine  dont  think  so   ...just  my  view

  7. Coutoure! I'm glad I can finally read your questions and responses better. Tu as acheté un nouveau clavier? ;o) Well anyway, I haven't really seen any "Zionist" related questions so I have yet to discover the "propaganda"! Nonetheless, they don't really have to use Yahoo because they basically CONTROL it. At any rate, where have you observed this in Yahoo Q/R?

  8. I didn't know

  9. i dont know

  10. Tiens ! We are sur Yahoo US ?

  11. dont'you want that?

    why not?

  12. No.

  13. Very likely

    they use anything just to fool people about their fake state

  14. No, thats google's job.

  15. Em, I think you might need to change your medication, love.

  16. they are using all they can to destroy the world!!!

  17. Caveat emptor

  18. of course, my dear

    they try to make propangada through Yahoo..........

    but some of their enemies , you know who , do the same in an other way , and they are more and fanatics!

  19. so what you want to do?

  20. C'est possible! Quel dommage!

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