
Are a introvert or extrovert?

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I am a introvert, not in a odd way though. I just take the time to think about things over before blurting them out and i am not quick to show my emotions. Why does the world frown upon introverts? Any way....

What are you? Introvert or extrovert, and what does that mean to you?




  1. I have been told that I am an introverted extrovert.I don't know if that makes me just "normal" or something else.

  2. I think i'm more of an introextrovert...............

  3. Introvert definitely.  I've always been this way.  I am who I am and that is all I can be.  I accept me the way I am and that is all that matters.  

  4. im an introvert too :)

    most people as soon as i mention it think that i stay inside my house all day rocking myself to sleep in a corner. its not like that all, right?

    being an introvert to me means that i get my personal energy from being by myself. its not to say that i dont like to hang out with people because i do, its just if i am around alot of people for a while, i need to have some alone time just to recollect my thoughts and to calm down from all the fuss and fun.

    ive often been described as passive because i dont tend to react to anything very much. of course i react to it, i just wont be like 'OMG OMG OMG NO WAY?!?!?', ill just take it into my stride.

    i think introverts are able to learn more from other stronger personalities because we're able to sit back and watch peoples good and bad personality traits.

    introverts for the win!

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