
Are a lot of girls like this?

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a friend of mine changes bf every month.. is 17 and has slept with 3 boys already.. at tiems she dates more than one guy..

i dn't and neither of my friends do .. but i wonder in general...




  1. This is an easy question to answer and has to do totally with confidence and self esteem.  Many girls at that age have self esteem issues and yearn for acceptance.  Unfortunately, this usually comes back to bite them in the butt and ends up in teen pregnancies and/or STD contractions.  My suggestion is not to follow suit with this.  As you become an adult you (and these girls) will realize that these girls are considered s***s which in the adult world is not a positive thing.

  2. some thing might have happen to her in her younger years who knows.

  3. some girls but its not a good habit at 17.shes just boy crazy

  4. Un fortunately, the norm now is develop "relationships" as early as 12 or 13...this was not always the case..

    No one should really be thinking about long term relationships until you are out of high school.. you should date several different people.. sometimes at the same time... you should not become involved with any of them....and you should not sleep with any of them..... you should be trying to figure out what you want out of life.. and what kind of partner you want....

  5. h**l country is full of beautiful s***s...17 is to much...15-16 they start humping like animals...of course there are some exceptions but i didn't said it was a rule...

  6. i had lots of friends like that and lots who werent.

  7. Some girls do.  Frankly, it's none of your business what she does.  There are many psychological reasons for promiscuous behavior.  Don't judge her.  Just be her friend.

    I'm glad I don't have any friends like you.  I would not want to have a friend who talks about me behind my back.  I certainly would not want a friend who judges me based on my s*x life.

  8. She may have approval issues.

  9. Yeah um hate to agree with Paul k   but that goes beyond boy crazy, and i hope a lot of girls arent like that. I know im not.

  10. yh ive seen alot of these people you call them slags, just let her carry on with it she'll learn one day when your settled and happy that she should have just stick to one guy then she would know how to make a long term relationship work!

  11. She's normal for HER. You are normal for YOU. Let the girl have her fun, because when she does finally have to settle down with her "baby daddy," she will not be able to go out.

  12. i have a friend that bounces around from guys to guys, no matter their personality, their looks, or how old they are.

    if they show even a little intrest in her she becomes attatched.

    there is this guy who is 4 years older than us that she has her eye on, when she met him he was drunk, every time she sees him, he is drunk. she will text him during the day when he is in class and he never texts her back. ive heard things that he does this to anyone so he can get in their pants.

    she is one of those girls sadly, that everyone sits there and wonders why she gets all these guys.

  13. shes a **** get over it

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