
Are abortions okay to get?

by  |  earlier

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im not pregnant but i knew ppl my age who were and they ended up getting an abortion. im pro choice but i dont think i would get one. i dont judge ppl who get them, but idk if its okay. legally its not considered murder, but why? if the fetus is a real person at the time of conception then why isnt it considered murder? and i dont want ppl who r competely pro life to come out and say that its so wrong but can the baby really feel pain? is it an organized organism?





  2. I'm pro choice...I do not believe that life begins at conception.Once the fetus has started to devolop...which takes several weeks,then it is a viable human life.What people do not think about,is the reasons that some people to choose to have an abortion.I do not believe it should be used as birth control,but there are situations where it is necessary such as rape or incest.Also if my 12 year old daughter came home pregnant...abortion would be the first thing that came to my mind.

    the problem is,that so many people worry about the life that doesn't exist yet,over the life that is already living  IMO

  3. I think if you must get an  abortion n its a last resort then its acceptable i know it bothers yuo nu you look for guidence if u are in this situationbut it all depends on your state of mind  

  4. NO it's not ok to get abortions..

    a baby has a heart beat on the 22nd day of development. However you won't be able to hear the heart beat until the 9th or 10th week of pregnancy using a doppler. 22nd day the baby's vocal cords are forming and blood is circulating. And at 4 weeks old the organs, ears, eyes, legs and arms are starting to form.

    Most woman don't find out their pregnant until they are about a month or more into their pregnancy. So abortion is killing a baby. No matter how you want to look at it, its a baby.

    It's not a fetus until a certain amount of weeks. But its still growing to become a human. Think of it this way, you were once that little cell growing into a human yes ? What if your mom aborted you because you were just a bunch of cells ? You would not be here right now. So be thankful your here and people should start stepping to the plate and do the mature thing and have the baby and if you dont want it give it up for adoption.

  5. I myself am pro choice.

    The mother has a right to an abortion if she feels she must.

    I don't think it can feel yet.

    Do some research on it and you'll find lots of stuff.


    I do have kind of a problem with all the prolife people attacking me on their views. I personally would probably never get an abortion (because I won't have kids until I am ready), but I feel every mother should have a right to choose.

  6. It's not a easy choice or one to take lightly but it is a CHOICE  and thank god we live in america where we have the freedom to choose for ourselves what is right for us!!! And by all means I do not support abortion as a form of birth control but I also believe we have to many unwanted and untaken care of children as it is in this country and it's very sad

  7. well i had an abortion when i was 16. i am 18 and pregnant again. now that i think about it i feel so bad. my baby just started moving and i would never do that again. but its their choice.  

  8. it is not morally right to kill anything for selfish reasons. people say that they get abortions because they dont want to deal with having a baby. my response is: DONT HAVE s*x. deal with the consequences of your actions and if youre mature enough to have s*x then im pretty sure you need to be mature  enough to have a sense of right and wrong. killing an innocent being is not okay, whether it is rape, or just being irresponsible. i just want people to think about this. most people would say that we have souls... there is no proof if we have souls and if we do, when they are given to us. so just because this fetus isnt developed into a being with 10 fingers and toes, doesnt mean they dont have souls.

  9. terrorists have killed 3000 americans since 1990   abortionists have killed 4000 americans since YESTERDAY      no its NEVER ok    dont do it poor baby  i have a 2 month old daughter and she is my world and i am glad she was born to me and not some idiot who would have got an abortion

  10. If you think murder is ok then yes abortions are ok

  11. not only are you killing and hurting the baby but your hurting your self my best friend got an abortion at first she thought it wasnt so bad but it scars you for life 5 almost 6 months later she still thinks about it every day and cries herself to sleep if your ok to have unprotected s*x or just s*x you should know what your getting yourself into because its not right to kill even if it isnt a baby yet it would of been soon thats taking away a life i have no problem with people who get them but i seen a lot of people hurt emotionally its sad

  12. the baby feels pain...abortions are NOT ok to get.

  13. doesn't matter if the baby can feel pain or not. abortion is murder and i hope someday people will be charged with murder for having one or performing one.

  14. i have never really been against abortions nor have i been all for them, but i recently was forced by family to have one. I am still not against them as i think in different situation and circumstances they are better to have then not ie rape, baby is diagnosed with a disease or any medical reasons.

    I know that before 6 weeks the fetus doesn't yet have a heart beat, so i think its totally up to the individual on what they think is right for them and there situation!

    And if the government were to make it illegal then a lot of people would do it still and could possibly damage themselves by getting an unauthorized medical practitioner to do the procedure and that could then result in them not being able to fall pregnant again or even worse dying themselves.

    I hope this helps a little bit with your question =)

  15. dear, you have stumbled into one of the biggest debates that has spanned numerous generations past and future. noone can tell you which way to feel. myself, i am pro-choice, well more like pro-educate. some ppl will use science, some will use religion to argue this case, but what i think would help would be to see everyone educate. stop ignoring the fact that teenagers have s*x. help them to see other choices and help them find the courage to make them. get the tools they need into their hands. i have 3 teenagers and i have told all of them, a great way to know that you are ready for s*x is if you can come to me and tell me so that i can help them take precautions, educate them on things that they may have heard from friends and show them the options that are out there. i would love to see when babies are no longer having babies and having noone to ask for help, kids that are so scared they put babies in dumpsters. there are so many loving families who can not have children but i also see so many unloved children in this world. no matter which side you are on, everyone should agree that life is precious, but so is the freedom to live your own life with your own choices, good or bad. maybe your generation can do what mine and the ones before have not been able to do, make this a place where education and help is in place everywhere for every person so that the need to consider abortion will no longer be needed.

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