
Are accredited universities certifying paranormal investigators?

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TR: Thanks. I read the Flim-Flamel page also. From the answers here it appears 'certification' is just rhetoric intended to impress those who haven't jotted down a self-certification so they could call themselves that.

Gracias, J




  1. No

  2. No. There are no accredited universities inside or outside of the United States offering any type of degree or certification in paranormal investigation.

    No state has any laws (other than some applicable fraud laws), regulations, requirements, or license regarding paranormal investigators.

    There are some accredited universities that offer studies in parapsychology.

    Franklin Pierce University offers a minor in parapsychology with a major in psychology at the undergraduate level.

    The following universities offer degrees or courses in parapsychology:

    University of Edinburgh

    University of Adelaide

    University of Northhampton

    Liverpool Hope University

    University of Hertodshire

    Lund University

    Utrecht University

    Most people working professionally in the field of parapsychology hold doctorate degrees in a conventional science. A doctorate is required for full membership in the Parapsychological Association.

    Several people have traditional educations but did their master thesis or doctoral dissertation on a parapsychology topic.

    Most famously Carl Jung did his dissertation on the psychological study of a trance medium.


  3. Well 1.  I NEVER claimed to have to have any "credentials" in paranormal investigations.

    There are so called "classes" that are available for the asking.

    I have NEVER charged anyone for any kind of money, nor have I asked for any donations, as I am only conducting an investigation.

    I have NEVER claimed to be able to RID a home &/or place of spirits.

    There are no colleages, that I know of, who offer these kind of classes.

    I have never heard of a state requiring any type of certification for "investigating" the paranormal.

    I have however seen that you can apply for a Federal Grant, to help with your investigations.

    Oh, by the way, I got into this because of an experience that I have had when I was younger.  So, it peaked my interest in the Paranormal.  I have spent the last 10 years or so studying about the subject of the "unkown".  I don't spend all of my free time running around searching for the "un-dead".

  4. Here is the only person I know of to actually have a Ph.D. in parapsychology from an accredited U.S. university (see 1st link). He is truly unique. As far as certifying paranormal investigators, there are no accredited universities I know of that will even touch this.

    EDIT: A quick search seems to indicate that individual ghost hunter organizations may offer their own certification programs, so it's a very informal thing (see 2nd link). However, I did find that Flamel College (I like to call it Flim-Flamel College) does have a certification course (see 3rd link). It's a far cry from accredited, though.

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