
Are acrostics convoluted?

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Telarian master scratches

Debility plagues his kin

Ectozoon latches on tightly

Ubiquitous on the skin

Warison sounds at dawn

Accuminate the lines!

Immolating the intruder

Tendresse in tragic times

Ephetic no more, forever.

Salubrity hushes the mass.

Accolent lesions retreating

Refulgent soldiers pass

Melasma's gold unfurled

Yare becomes the asss.




  1. Not


  2. Absolutely convoluted

  3. Let me go look up some of these words so that I may give you a better answer!

  4. TD Euwaites army is indeed convoluted!  That is what makes it interesting.  Loved the last line.  If I am interpreting it correctly: speed becomes the asses!.

  5. Yes, they are. As for the rest of the poem well yes I am an asss and mildly mentally handicapped for lack of coffee.

    <-----------My head hurts now.

  6. Yoo hoo, where's Tyler on this one? Maybe you need a good cup of coffee and a homemade pecan coffee roll this morning Buk...

  7. You've been playing the flibbertigibbet in the phrontistery again, haven't you?

    Ok, you got me with warison, accolent (just, I was nearly there), melasma and yare. (I do know of a River Yare, the seaside town of Great Yarmouth (UK) sits on top of it. The Old English giving the description to the river and hence the word. I won't forget that one in a hurry.

  8. Maybe not so much acrostic per say but this poem is! There are words in it that aren't even words, and it doesn't make any sense, so I would venture to say this poem is convoluted for sure!

    LOL A good one Buk!

    Ectozoon is that a real word, hmmm I couldn't find it! If it is what does it mean? Cheers!

    I also noticed your name if you read down the left hand side of the page is your name! Well that makes an acrostics!

    Edit ---I have reread this several times and now get it, sorry I said the whole thing didn't make any sense, it does now! Cheers!

  9. what??????

  10. This one is!

    When will the uniforms be issued?

  11. You didn't need to bastardize any noun here, so I don't think its convoluted.. what ever the ES  means.

  12. TDEuwaite's Army is strong!

    I had to throw out the first word in each line 'cause I'm too lazy to look them up, but the danged poem made sense that way!


  13. wash your undies and that problem won't happen

  14. Is this so, I have never been this lost before, I must seek and find

    Mr. Webster and  a map from foggsian, I will also take note of

    Neon's clues, Will I also need a code book?

    My hat is off to you, you leave me in the dark!

  15. I'm with ma on this one...No really!!...Go look in the bushes...Me and ma are chatting.....

  16. Oh Buk, you know I'm too lazy to go get my dictionary.

  17. I only got the last line!... good job!

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