
Are affairs really worth it? Do they really work out?

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First off I am not having an affair - but I do have a few friends that are involved with married people of both sexes. One of my female friends pretty much knows it won't amount to anything but loves the intense s*x and the thrill of being the "big secret" - i'm thinking she is hoping it will change at some point. My guy friend however fell hard for his affair - and has given up all of his friends cause she busted him someone else and made all these demands and promises, which to me seem rediculous cause after all she is married, and of course "unhappily" at that. We wont' discuss the others lol. None seem really happy but to ask them they are. I would think they would have more respect for themselves and realize they are worth far more than this. Is it worth giving up all your friends, and the misery of not truly being able to be with the person, and living a lie? Are they truly happy? It makes no sense to me but I try to be a friend and be supportive anyway. Opinions?




  1. First, affairs are wrong.  People who marry take vows, that don't include adultery.

    If you mean by "work out" that some wind up getting married or staying together, with the other married partner suffering divorce.  Yes, it happens.  Course we can't see the future to see how long it will "work out."

    Romantic and sexual relationships these days are tough to make work long term period.  Affairs make them harder.

    When it comes to romance and s*x, mankind's potential foolishness is at its peak. Be careful out there!

  2. First, why do you care?  Second, why am I answering you?  I can answer my question........easy I'm putting off doing house chores. LOL

    People that have affairs go in to with the idea it's just going to be a "fun hang out time".  Most never dream it will involve emotions or become intimate.  When this does happen all the fun flies out the relationship. They begin to fuss and argue or worry about being caught.  Their world is on stand by for the married person to get out to call or see them. Friends get sick of listening to their drama, don't you think?  They're not interested in a thing you have to say, it's all about them.  How can you be supportive to any person with no regards for your feelings?  They use their friends in every way possible to see or hear from a married person.  This soon becomes dangerous territory for anyone to be on.  My opinion about their happiness is this.  It's not true happiness at all.  It's wrong to commit adultery and there is no way around that sin, except to stop-quit and never do it, again.  If, two people are meant to be together, perhaps fate will give them to you before this life is over.  Who knows?  It's clearly wrong to cheat while married and who could ever trust a cheater?  My opinion does matter, I'm the product of a broken home.  It hurts children of all ages.  My brothers were grown and it caused them much grief as well.  My father left my mother for a younger woman.  Was he happy? Was the woman happy?  I think not.  She got an older man who grew old and sick.  He had me, but he didn't have his sons.  How could he have been happy without them?  Two families never mix well.  There's always going to be problems among the children.  Who wants to accept a step-mother or step-father?  No one.  Only in rare circumstances do you see this work well for couples who breakup their homes and remarry.  The best thing anyone can do, if they're so unhappily married is get a divorce first.  Live alone for awhile.  If there is someone out here for them, then may God bless them.  My opinion with blessings<><):

  3. affairs occur becasue one of the two people in a realtionship is unhappy, or not recieving  or finding the love they need from the other person, they are worth iit, if kids are not involved becasue really they are the ones who are affected the most and feel the most loss, confusion and stress.

    affairs can be worth it if you are not looknig for a serious realtionship

  4. In all reality I dont feel that affairs really work out.  I think its because the people are unhappy and need something new and exciting.  Once the novelty wears off they will move on.  I have been the "mistress" in a relationship when I was younger.  It didnt last long because I moved but it wouldnt have regardless.  I am now married and feel that what I did was wrong in every way possible and couldnt imagine doing anything like that now.  I feel that most people that stray from their relationships will always be looking for the bigger and better deal out there.  I dont think this really answers your question, but it was worth a shot.  Oh also, I think that its stupid to put friends on the back burner for something that isn't really yours to start with (if that makes sense)

    Have a good one!

  5. Stay away!

  6. Affairs only cause temporary pleasure. People tend to make stupid decisions for pleasure. Affairs are not worth it. They end up causing big problems especially if there are children involved . People love the thrill that's why they end up s******g there lives, risking everything, & thinking with there d**k*s instead of there brain.

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