
Are afghans considered Aryans?

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Are the Aryans (whom Adolf Hitler believed to be the ideal race, and tried to implement the idea in his n**i party,) also now considered as ancestors of Afghans and many more European nations?




  1. There is no such thing as an Aryan Race. It is a mythological concoction of  a Russian Lady, Helena Blavatsky,

    Through some extremely tortured and contrived revisions of known historical data, she came up with the Aryan race as a decedent race of the Atlantians.

    Her 'determination' placed this race in the area of Persia. Later even this ridiculous concept was 'relocated' to the northern parts of Europe as the physical habitat of the Aryans...

  2. Depends on what on your definition (racial or linguistic)

    Hitler thought Aryans were blond and blue eyed fair skinned people.But this idea is now obsolete.

    Most people today consider native speakers of Indo-European languages as Aryans.

    Afghans are not a single tribe but a loose confederation of several tribes like the Pashtuns,Hazaras,Baluchis etc.However all of them speak languages belonging to the Iranian branch of the Indo-European family

    And hence they are indeed Aryans.

  3. It is difficult to say that any one group is racially pure.

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