
Are air raid sirens still in use in the UK?

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I've been watching videos on youtube of tornado sirens or civil defense sirens in the U.S and it got me wondering, does the UK still have air raid sirens in use? and why do we not test them every so often like they do in the U.S?

What would happen if there was a huge disaster, or a nuclear warning, etc?

I live in a large town with over 80,000 people and I have never in my life heard an air raid siren.




  1. No there are no longer any active sirens in the UK warning of events, the ones used in the 2nd world war were disposed of 20 years later.

    If there was a huge disaster the church bells are rung across the country, and it's not as stupid as you think it works as there are so many churches in the UK. It was the alert for a German invasion in WW2.

    Also M15 can now text you security updates, currently you have to sign up, but in 2 years, all mobiles in the UK will be sent a text alerting them to major disasters, also all public telecoms automatically will be inked into the central system to sound a warning. Computers as well will warn of incoming disasters. All landlines will be sent an automated message and all televisions will display an emergency broadcast (this shall be put into lace by 2012 when the entire country will watch ONLY digital tv). We've rather moved on from sirens and these schemes will be introduced in the next few years.

    Currently it's being tested so all GP's doctors police en and s on are tested the details of a disaster as soon as it happens, no matter where in the country, alerting them. My mum a GP receives them and received a text o the day of the July bombings in London.


    There are no civil defense sirens left in London. And you will be surprised, you will live closer to a church than you think, my nearest church is over 2 miles away but I can always hear the bells ringing. Also MI5 published a report last year and they want to instigate civil defense systems by 2012 in time for the Olympic games in London, so if there was a terror attack we would all get a text within minutes telling us what's happened, and your phone wouldn't just go off you would get a pre-recorded message giving advice.

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