
Are airsoft/BB guns legal in New York State?

by Guest60359  |  earlier

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Are airsoft/BB guns legal in New York State?

i want to get in to airsoft with my friends but we dont know if we will get them taken away if a cop see's them. is there a FPS limit? i know i need to have the orange tip at the end of the gun. anything else? thanks alot!




  1. I live in ny and i have 4 air soft guns and I also have 2 BB guns. The cops can not take them away when it has an orange tip and also there is no FPS limit [ i own a BB gun that does 750 FPS. They sell them at wall-mart and *****.it is legal to have a gun shiped to ny, 3 of my guns are off the internet.

       Also if you buy online i would reccomend  or  ...  But if you want to buy at a store i would defenitly pick d**k's.

        Hope it helps and good luck!!!!!

  2. im not sure if they are legael there, but they cannot be shipped there

  3. They are legal, they sell them in Wal Mart. I believe you have to be 16 to have one. The cops cant do anything if you have the orange tip on it. you can take the orange tip off if you are in a "designated airsoft area"

  4. Legal with orange tip. According to Team Airsoft regulations, snipers are set to a max of 550 fps (.20g) with a 100 ft minimum engagement rule, autos are at 400 fps (.20g) with a 20 ft minimum engagement rule, no set limit on springers, and no CO2 whatsoever. Modified AEGs that shoot over 400 fps must be modified to shoot only semi-auto and low-cap magazines.

    I was stopped by a cop once (in full camo combat clothes) carrying an M-14 (w/ orange tip) and he asked if it was a toy. What I forgot was the pistol butt poking out of my coat pocket. He asked if it was a toy and I assured him it was. So, odds are you'll be fine as long as you don't brandish it in a threatening manner. By the way, his lights were on as he came up, so I was a little nervous at first. My dad stopped him after he saw the cop leave and asked if everything was okay, since he saw his lights were on. It turns out he never turned them off after pulling over one of my neighbors for speeding : )

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