
Are airsoft guns ok?

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Hello there. I am 13, and i have been keeping my eye on airsoft guns. Every one of my friend up the street from me play with then once and a while, so I have the interest. I live in New Jersey, and have read in several places that use of airsoft guns in public is legal, and "are not classified as firearms and are legal for all ages under federal law, as well as the laws in each state." My mom is worried that I cannot be safe with an airsoft gun, and I should't have one until i get much older. I have tried and tried to persuade her with good, true reasons, but still. Even an employee at d**k's said that they were harmless, as long as you had your eye protection. STILL!!! Please, help me out here. I can be responsible as everybody else, and this will prove it. Its all I ever wanted like this and couldn't get.




  1. Make yourself an "old school" sling shot...and kick all your Airsoft buddys butts!


  2. As long as you are safe, have smart friends, and wear safety glasses, everything should be safe.  For a starter i would just buy a starter airsoft gun like the crosman pulse r71.  Its $40 dollars at walmart and shoots like 200 fps.  Its pretty safe.

  3. ya im 13 too and i play alot of airsoft i get mine at

  4. Airsoft is okay as long as you're careful. Especially if you're only using  200fps guns. I play with my friends all the time, a few of them have fully automatic rifles clocking around 330fps, along with a sniper rifle that is around 410 (supposed to be 500, but apparently its not). Just remember to wear protection. Usually, when we play, we wear long pants and jackets (it still hurts, but it takes the edge off), goggles and sometimes face masks (I have a small spot on my face from when one of them shot me from around 5 feet away with a 330fps during a night game), and we have rules about how far away you have to be to fire) If you're only using 200fps guns though, you'll be absolutely fine with just goggles, and shouldn't have to worry about how close you get. As long as you're careful, go for it!

  5. well for one, paintball is better...just had to say that...but anyways, airsoft guns are harmless, you can even buy ones that only shoot around 200fps, i used my friends like that and shot my foot point blank and didnt even feel it. They are legal, they shoot plastic or biodegratable bb's (not metal like bb guns) and even the most powerful one will barely leave a welt.
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