
Are aliens purple or green? This is unbelievable isn't it?

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Are aliens purple or green? This is unbelievable isn't it?




  1. They look like you and me.  That was the conclusion in the movie The Martian Chronicles written by Ray Bradbury and later made into a movie.

  2. Brown. At least the "Illegal" ones are.

  3. green

    duh :P

  4. Purple, I guess, if it is one from Samuel Jackson's dreams, the actor being fond of purple.

    I guess one could find aliens of all colors and shades. The Universe is big enough to match all the colors that make up white.

  5. They have usually the colour of nonexistence .. which is always associated with God .. and is the colour ..  black .. for darkness .. as in .. "Where are you .. I cannot find you anywhere" .

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