I have a younger brother who is 17 years old going on 18 and he is impossible to live with. I stilll live at home to help my mother support my younger siblings. He has no realization that he lives with other people. He does whatever he wants and couldnt care less who he affects. He refuses to lower the tv if other people are sleeping. No matter how many times I tell him not to, he drinks from the milk container and I end up eating cereal with extra pieces in it. He needs me or my mother to wake up every morning to give him his medicine because we dont trust that he will remember to take it. If there is no food at home during the day, he just wont eat. My moms bf and some of my friends think its ridiculous that when my mom is on vacation, I have to watch him and make sure im home at the time he has to take his medicine and make sure there is food in the house. Once my brother missed his pill and I got in trouble for it. My moms bf said, so whats his plan is his sister going to support him his whole life? Are all 17 year old boys this immature? How can I change this situation? I know my mother needs help with money and thats why Im still here, but its not fair that I have to be the one to change my life because he was always babied.