
Are all 3 GM of WWE face? ?

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I know Mr. Long from ECW is face

Vickie from Smackdown was an heel, now I say she is turning face again

I am unsure about Raw GM, it seem to be an heel but act like an face

What do u think?

If u got no idea what I am saying, Heel = Bad Face = Good,




  1. Teddy Long is the Biggest GM Face. Holla! Holla! Holla!

    Vickie is trying to be a face but the fans won't accept her because she sent The Undertaker away for just Two to Three Months.

    Like Vickie, Mike Adamle is trying to be a face but the fans won't let him because he constantly screwed up when he was an announcer.

  2. vickie is still heel..the fans boo her..and mike adamle trys to be a face..but he still gets booed

  3. Face

  4. Vickie is a Heel and always will be in the fans eyes

    Mike is Face and i think he favours Cena

    and ECW..... well who really even watchs ECW

  5. RAW:

    Mike Adamle is a face, but the fans hate him


    Theodore Long is a face, & the fans like him


    Vickie Guerrero is a tweener & the fans are in between as well

  6. Adamle and Vickie are Tweeners, if you don't know what that is

    Teddy is a face

  7. Teddy is a face, Vickie a heel, and Adamle a tweener (for now).

  8. Vickie is heel for now but will turn face. Teddy is face and Adamle is face for now but I got the feeling he will turn heel.

  9. Well Teddy Long is always a face. If he makes any heel decisions, it's so that everyone gets what they deserve.

    Vickie is acting like she wants to make a turn but, she doesn't look like a face.

    And as for Mike Adamle, we haven't had enough time to really tell where he's going. He seems like he just sets up good matches. If they seem like heel matches, I don't think that he cares as long as they seem to bring in money.

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