
Are all Evolution believers 'atheists'?

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Terry W; you are obviously a propagandist. I'll tell u again like I did on my other question about evolution, you are deliberately skewing the meanings of words. I don't care what you call evolution, people who believe in Evolution are evolutionists. It is belief that certain things are true. No one with a dictionary could ever take you seriously.




  1. No not all of them are atheists. You can follow science and believe in God. I think people get stuck up into a set religion like that of the Bible, but some people just believe in God without a book. And some who follow the Bible also follow science.  

  2. 1 Evolution is not a belief, it is a scientific theory, which is the reasoned explanation of all the facts.

    2 It is only a very few but vocal, religious fanatics who believe science is wrong.

  3. No, but all those that deny evolution are ignorant.

  4. No. I believe in God, and I believe evolution. I don't belong to a religion anymore, so you could say I'm agnostic.

  5. nope..

    coz i believe in evolution^^..

  6. No.

  7. Nope. I'm living proof that evolution believing non-atheists exist.

  8. Not at all.  I believe that evolution is a fact and I'm also a practicing Catholic.

  9. no, i have met many theistic evolutionists.

  10. Ken Miller makes one, so the answer is no. but ultimately evolution says nothing about the existence of god. plus there quite a few on youtube

  11. Would this make the Pope and the Catholic Church atheist? Does it make former President Carter an atheist?

    "that faith and scientific findings regarding human evolution are not in conflict"

    "when Pope John Paul II said that evolution was "more than just a hypothesis," "

    "Evolution has long been taught in the Catholic school system, and it does not generate the heated emotions that other issues such as abortion and celibacy do within church circles. The New York Times noted that teaching evolution "is already a standard part of the curriculum" in parochial schools and Catholic universities."

    "If you take the claim seriously, ( all Evolution believers 'atheists') you must claim that the following people are atheists, to give just a few examples:

    Sir Ronald Fisher -- the most distinguished theoretical biologist in the history of evolutionary thought. He was also a Christian (a member of the Church of England) and a conservative whose social views were somewhere to the right of Louis XIV.

    Pope John Paul II -- a social conservative.

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin -- a paleontologist and priest who taught that God guided evolution.

    President Jimmy Carter -- a devout and active Southern Baptist.

    More than 10,000 clergy have signed a statement saying, in part, "We the undersigned, Christian clergy from many different traditions, believe that the timeless truths of the Bible and the discoveries of modern science may comfortably coexist. We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests." (Clergy Letter Project 2005) "

    Finally I ran into this interesting comment:

    "Anyone worried about atheism should be more concerned about creationism...By saying that only one religious interpretation is correct and universal, creationism typically is a rejection of every other religious interpretation. For example, young-earth creationists reject the religious interpretation that the universe is more than 10,000 years old (Sarfati 2004), and design theorists reject the idea that God has guided evolution (Dembski 1996). For people whose beliefs about God differ from those of a creationist, that creationism might just as well be atheistic."

  12. evolution and god can co-exist, god created, nature evolved.

    and it would be agnostic or athiest.

  13. No, I wouldn't say that.  I'm more agnostic than atheist.

  14. it doesnt follow that if you believe evolution then your an atheist.

    Darwin didnt discourage religion in his theory.

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