
Are all F-14A and D fighters obsolete in the U.S. Military?

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Just wondered... if so, which other U.S. jet fighters from in and around that era are also phased out of our use, but sold to other countries?




  1. F-14s were removed from service and are now at the bone yard in Arizona waiting to be scrapped. The F-16 and F-15 will be replaced by the F-35 and F-22 respectfully.

  2. The F-14 was replaced by the F-18.  The F-18 is smaller and noiser.  I live under their flight path when the weather makes them land at runway 5-N!   Funny thing, friend of mine was an F-18 pilot. I was off one weekday and all day they were flying in and out over my house.  I saw his daughter that night and asked if her dad was flying that day.  They live about 1/4 mile from me across the road.  She said, "No, he was out in the back yard yelling at the planes!" HAHAHAHAHA

  3. the f-15 and the f-16 is being fased out for the f-22 raptor....

  4. There are none,

    The F-14 was only exported to Iran, they still have some flyable F-14's, but they are in bad shape.

    There is no plans on retiring either the F-15 or the F-16 in the near future.

    They are retiring the older versions of both.

    The F-22's are replacing the F-117's that were retired, we have 80

    F-22's with no plans to build more.

    The F-35 will eventually replace the F-16's, F-18's and Harrier's.

    The first 48 F-35's are scheduled to be deliervered in 2013.

    It will take untill 2020, to replace the F-15's, F-16's, F-18's and harriers.

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